TAIEX Workshop on Boosting Education Funding Reform (16.03.18, Kyiv)

16 March 2018  TAIEX Workshop on Boosting Education Funding Reform will take place in Kyiv. Event is organised by the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Education Reforms Office in Ukraine. The aim is to provide officials from the Ministry […]

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine meeting on “Priority directions of changes in higher education for 2018-2019” (26.01.18, Kyiv)

On 26 January 2018 in National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine organised the meeting on “Priority directions of changes in higher education for 2018-2019”. Liliya HRYNEVYCH, Minister of Education and Science, Vyacheslav KYRYLENKO, Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine, and Alexander SPIVAKOVSKY, First Deputy Chairman […]

ECTS User Guide 2015 in English and Ukrainian Languages are available in e-format.

ECTS User Guide 2015 (in English language): http://ec.europa.eu/education/library/publications/2015/ects-users-guide_en.pdf ECTS User Guide 2015 (translation into Ukrainian language)  ЄКТС – Довідник користувача 2015 р. (переклад українською мовою) Transaltion is performed with support of NEO and HERE teams (EU-funded project).  

Seminar “Internationalization of Higher Education” for Managers of International Departments of Ukrainian HEIs

On September 28, 2015 the Seminar “Internationalization of Higher Education” for Managers of International Departments of Ukrainian HEIs was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine and the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE). The main aim of the event was to discuss conceptual principles […]

Seminar “Internationalization of Higher Education” for HEIs Leaders

On September 15, 2015 the Seminar “Internationalization of Higher Education” for HEIs Leaders was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine and the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE). The aim of the Seminar was to discuss current issues of international activities of higher education […]