#InfoDay/Інформаційний день

Presentation of Erasmus+ individual opportunities for Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics within the EU Career Day (24.05.2022, online)

On 24 May 2022 Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics organised the EU Career Day for students and staff. The event was held with the support of the Delegation of the European Union in Ukraine within the framework of the project “Information Support of Youth Networks of the EU in Ukraine”. More than 20 […]

Webinar on Exceptional Measures for the integration of Ukrainianians within Erasmus+ mobility projects in higher education during the war in Ukraine (17.05.2022, online)

In order to create conditions for the support of Ukrainians during the war within the approved European Union Directives E+/NA/DIR/2022/017, E+/NA/DIR/2022/019 and E+/NA/DIR/2022/021, the European Commission informed about implementation of exceptional measures under the projects of KA1 – International Mobility in Higher Education, aimed at promoting the integration of representatives from Ukraine into the educational […]


Participation in the Forum on Internationalization of Medical Education (27.04.2022, online)

On 27 April 2022, at the initiative of Kharkiv National Medical University, an online Forum on the internationalization of medical education in Ukraine was held. About 25 participants from 14 universities took part in the Forum (Vice-Rectors for International Affairs and Development, Heads of International Relations Departments, Responsible persons for International Activities in the HEIs). […]

Webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine” (02.06.2022, online)

On 2 June 2022, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine held  webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine”. About 80 representatives of current Erasmus+ CBHE and other cooperation projects’ teams, as well […]

Participation within the Co-creating Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (28-29.01.20)

A stakeholders’ event Co-creating Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps was held in Brussels on January 28 and 29, 2020, organised by the European Commission. Over 600 participants had the opportunity to experience a mix of plenary and thematic breakout sessions focused on the main activities of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes, taking […]

International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine (5-9 November 2018, Kyiv)

Dear Erasmus + family! We invite you to participate in the International Information Week of EU Programme Erasmus+ in Ukraine, which will take place on 5-9 November, 2018 in Kyiv. Organisers of the events are: National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine jointly with Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Ministry of Education and Science […]

Opportunities within the European Union: Projects’ and programmes’ Fair 2018 (30.05.2018, Kyiv)

On May 30, 2018, the EU Delegation in Ukraine in cooperation with the NEO-Ukraine conducted “Fair of Opportunities from the EU”. The event focused on civic organizations who already had donor support in their projects, particularly European and focused on newcomers. During the NEO-Ukraine presentation, the attention was paid to the individual mobilities and exchanges […]

Erasmus+ presentation within “EU Career Day in Ukraine” (18.05.2018, skype Kyiv- Khmelnytsky)

Within the framework of EU Delegation to Ukraine project “EU Career Day in Ukraine“, on May 18, 2018, Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law with the support of the NEO-Ukraine team organised event for university students on individual opportunities. To show the interest of local private sector, business representatives participated the fair on labour market […]

Erasmus+ presentation within “EU Career Day in Ukraine” (17.05.2018, skype Kyiv- Kherson)

Within the framework of EU Delegation to Ukraine project “EU Career Day in Ukraine”, on May 17, 2018, Kherson State University with the support of the NEO-Ukraine team organised event for university students on individual opportunities. To show the interest of local private sector, business representatives participated the fair on labour market individual opportunities. During […]