#Jean Monnet/Жан Моне

Cluster Facebook-webinar “Jean Monnet: Key Steps and Recommendations of Successful Implementation” (21.04.2020, on-line)

On 21 April 2020, the NEO-Ukraine team organised Cluster Facebook-webinar “Jean Monnet: Key Steps and Recommendations of Successful Implementation (for winners – 2020)” to provide an advice and guidance to Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project teams (winners – 2020). More than 700 representatives of Ukrainian universities’ IROs, Erasmus+ coordinators and representatives of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project […]

International Scientific On-line Conference “Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in the EU Countries” (15.04.2020, on-line)

On April 15, 2020 Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project organized the International Scientific On-line Conference “Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in the EU Countries”. Around 60 representatives of Ukrainian educational and scientific establishment all over the country joint the online conference. Moreover, the meeting was virtually attended by the Greece, […]

Zoom-webinar “Implementation of the Jean Monnet Projects in terms of the COVID-19 Pandemic” (08.04.2020)

On 8 April 2020 the Ukrainian European Studies Association jointly with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine organised the webinar “Implementation of the Jean Monnet Projects in terms of the COVID-19 Pandemic”. The experience of managing and financial management of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects were discussed. More than 15 representatives of Jean Monnet project coordinators […]

Updated: Covid-19 coronavirus prevention measures (to att.: Erasmus+ projects teams and mobility staff and students)

Dear Erasmus+ project teams! The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the restrictive measures to combat the Covid-19 coronavirus threat to prevent the disease from spreading. The Cabinet of Ministers proposed introducing restrictions on holding mass events, which doesn’t apply to events of the state importance. The measures also include quarantine for all educational institutions since […]

Training skype-session under Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Project for Ternopil National Economic University (30.01.20, skype, Kyiv-Ternopil)

On January 30, 2020 NEO – Ukraine team provided skype training session on “How to prepare a project proposal for Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Actvities Call 2020”. The evnt was organized joitly by the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine and Ternopil National Economic University. Over 40 University staff and IRO representative attended the skype event. Petro KRAINIK, […]

Training session on the EU Programme Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities (16.01.20, Kyiv)

On January 16, 2020 NEO – Ukraine team participated within the practical seminar-training “How to prepare a project proposal under the Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monnet Activities”. The evemt was organised by the Bogomolets National Medical University in cooperation with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine. Around 40 University staff participated in the event representing the […]

Training courses in KPI “EU as Endeavor Entrepreneur” and “Benchmarking and Strategic Implementation of the European Business Model for Ukraine”

On April 12, 16, 19, 23 2019 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute invites students, postgraduates to training courses. The events are within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Module “European business models: transformation, harmonization and implementation in Ukraine”. Title: Training courses “EU as Endeavor Entrepreneur” and “Benchmarking and Strategic Implementation of […]

Information skype-session on participation within the EU program Erasmus+: Jean Monnet (12February 2018, Kyiv–Lviv)

On February 12, 2018, an information Skype-session was held at the National Erasmus + office in Ukraine on the development and submission of application packages within Jean Monnet Activities. The event was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU Project) in cooperation with the State Institution “Institute of Regional Research named after M. […]

Information session on Opportunities of EU Programme Erasmus+ within Jean Monnet Module SCEGES “Social Cohesion in Education and Governance: European Studies” (27.12.17, м. Київ)

On 27 December 2017 National Pedagogical Dragomanov University organised Information session on opportunities within EU Programme Erasmus+. Event was held in the frame of Jean Monnet Module SCEGES “Social Cohesion in Education and Governance: European Studies” introduction. More than 50 students and staff visited event, which consisted of Erasmus+ Information session, introduction of Jean Monnet […]