#Jean Monnet/Жан Моне

Participation in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference within the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monet project (20.10.2022, online)

On  20 October 2022, the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Dimensions of Sustainable Development” took place. The event took place within the framework of the projects of the EU ERASMUS+ program, the Center of Excellence Jean Monnet JM ECO and the Support to Associations Jean Monnet EU for UA, which are implemented on […]

Webinar “Erasmus+ InfoDay: Jean Monnet for newcomers” within #ErasmusDays 2022 (14.10.2022, online)

On 14 October 2022, as part of #ErasmusDays 2022, the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine (EU funded project) held a webinar “Erasmus+ InfoDay: Jean Monnet for newcomers”. The event was attended by more than 40 representatives of higher education institutions who have no experience in submitting applications and implementing Jean Monnet projects. During the webinar, […]

International Conference “European integration and cross-border cooperation” (14.10.2022, online)

On 14 October 2022, as part of the implementation of the EU Erasmus+ project Jean Monnet Chair “EU Studies at Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University”, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Integration and Cross-Border Cooperation” was held at the University in a blended format. Rector Anatolii TSYOS, vice-rector for scientific-pedagogical work and international cooperation […]

Participation in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference within the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project (13.10.2022, online)

On 13 October, 2022, the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Challenges and Prospects of Implementing the European Experience of Rural Tourism Diversification in Ukraine through Creativity and Sustainability” was held online. The conference is organized by the Zaporizhzhia National University within the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project. The event was attended by 98 participants […]

International Scientific and Practical Conference “Shared and Safe Europe of the strong States” (08.09.2022, online)

On 8 September, 2022, the final International Scientific and Practical Conference “Shared and Safe Europe of the strong States” was held on the basis of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The conference is organized online within the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project. The event was attended by 23 participants: students and academic staff. The speakers […]

Opening of the project “European studies for technical specialties at the Lviv Polytechnic National University (06.09.2022, online)

On 6 September, 2022, the project team held a presentation of the project “European studies for technical specialties at the Lviv Polytechnic National University”. The event that held online was attended by 100 participants from various universities of Ukraine: students, researchers, teachers. Serhii Shkabko, State Expert of the expert group on European integration of the […]

Materials of the webinar “Jean Monet Projects: mandatory steps for signing a grant agreement” (12.08.2022)

On 12 August, 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine (EU funded Project), in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, held a webinar “Jean Monnet Projects: Mandatory Steps for Signing a Grant Agreement.” The webinar was attended by more than 160 representatives of 93 winning project teams of Erasmus+: Jean Monnet […]

Presentation of the EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for representatives of the Kyiv Academy of Circus And Variety Arts (02.08.2022, online)

On 2 August 2022, NEO-Ukraine team provided a presentation of the EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for representatives of the Kyiv Academy of Circus And Variety Arts. Аbout 15 representatives of the institution, who are interested in expanding the possibilities of international cooperation and submitting applications for the next calls of the Programme attended the event. […]

Transfer of funds in foreign currency abroad within Erasmus+ Projects

On July 28, 2022, the National Bank of Ukraine introduced the changes into the Regulation #18 which provide the possibility to transfer funds in the foreign currency abroad in the framework of the implementation of the projects obligations within International Technical Aid and Cross-border cooperation funded by the European Union. Please inform your projects about […]

Information session “EU Erasmus+ Program, Jean Monnet Actions: teaching and research – “Chairs”, “Modules”, “Centers of Excellence” (19.07.2022, online)

on 19 July 2022 National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine (EU funded project) held an Information Session on the aspects of the EU Erasmus+ Program including Jean Monnet Actions “EU Erasmus+ Program, Jean Monnet Actions: teaching and research – “Chairs”, “Modules”, “Centers of Excellence” for leading academic staff of the International Institute of Management, MIM-Kyiv. The […]