#Jean Monnet/Жан Моне

Information day “EU Erasmus+ Program 2021-2027: opportunities for higher education institutions” for representatives of Dnipro University of Technology (13.07.2022, online)

On 13 July 2022, NEO-Ukraine team held a Information Day on the EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for representatives of the Dnipro University of Technology. About 40 participants joined the event. During the event, the NEO-Ukraine team had 3 information sessions on the opportunities of Capacity Building in Gigher Education, Alliances for Innovations and Jean Monnet Action. […]


On 6-7 July 2022, the VI International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “CURRENT PROBLEMS OF CREATIVE PERSONALITY FORMATION OF A TEACHER IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FUTURE OF PRE-SCHOOL AND PRIMARY EDUCATION” was held at the Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, which was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University […]

Webinar “EU Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027” (21.06.2022, online)

On 21 June 2022, NEO-Ukraine team held a webinar (information sessions) on the EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for representatives of the Khmelnytsky Humanities and Pedagogic Academy and other institutions of higher and VET institutions (more than 80 participants in total). During the event, the NEO-Ukraine team had 3 information sessions on the opportunities of Jean […]

Participation in the seminar within the project “Subnational Gender Equality: Balance of EU Values and Ukrainian Realities” – a step towards strengthening international scientific cooperation (16.06.2022, online)

On 16 June 2022, a seminar within the framework of the Jean Monnet project “Subnational Gender Equality: Balancing EU Values and Ukrainian Realities” – a step towards strengthening international scientific cooperation was held. About 20 participants, representatives of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University joined the event. Eugene Sobol, Rector of the University, Lilia […]

Final Conference of the ERegPol project “Regional Policy of Europe and Threats in the Security Sphere” (14.06.2022, online)

On 14 June, 2022, the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine (EU funded project) participated in the Final Conference of the ERegPol project “Regional Policy of Europe and Threats in the Security Sphere”, which was held at the Western Ukrainian National University, Ternopil (online). The event was organized within the implementation of the Jean Monnet Module […]

International scientific and practical conference “OVERCOMING SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHALLENGES: EUROPE TOGETHER WITH UKRAINE” (18-19.05.2022, online)

On 18-19 May, 2022, the International scientific and practical conference “OVERCOMING SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHALLENGES: EUROPE TOGETHER WITH UKRAINE” was held in online format in Kyiv. The event was organized by the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University as part of the implementation of the Jean Monnet project – Jean Monet Chair “Social and Cultural Aspects of […]

International scientific and practical conference “European practices of inclusive education” (12.05.2022, online)

On 12 May, 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Practices of Inclusive Education” was held in the online format in Kyiv. The conference was held National Pedagogical Dragomanov University as part of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Chair “Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies” (SCAES) project 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR. The conference and workshop […]

Additional call for EU’s Programme Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions

In March-April 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine initiated negotiations with the DG EAC and European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on the possibility of submitting additional applications within Jean Monnet Actions, which Ukrainian universities were unable to submit due to russia’s full-scale invasion to Ukraine. Thanks to the European Commission with this […]

Jean Monnet International Winter School “Effective Eco-Management for the European Future of Ukraine” (22.01.2022, online)

On 22 January 2022, the Jean Monnet International Winter School “Effective Eco-Management for the European Future of Ukraine” took place on the basis of the Department of Environmental Safety and Labor Protection of the National University of Food Technologies. The online event was supported by the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects implemented at the department […]