#проєкт Еразмус+/Erasmus+ project

Participation in the kick-off meeting of the CBHE INTERADIS project (11-12.02.2021, online)

On 11-12 February 2020, the Erasmus+ CBHE project INTERADIS ” International Students Adaptation and Integration” was launched. The meeting was attended by representatives of the project consortium: Foggia University, Italy; Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, Germany; Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, Germany; Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania; KROK University, Ukraine; Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine; National University of […]

Workshop for the CBHE MultiEd project team (11.02.2021, online)

On 11 February 2021 the workshop for Erasmus+ CBHE MultiEd project ” Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration” with the participation of NEO – Ukraine team and HERE team experts took place. About 60 participants took part in the workshop. Speakers of the event were […]

Participation in the workshop within the Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project (11.02.2021, online)

On 11 February 2021, within the Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” organised the workshop for consortium on was organised. The meeting was attended by about 30 members of a consortium: University of Konstanz, Germany; Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria; Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, […]

International Teleconference within the framework of the Jean Monnet project (09.02.2021, online)

On 9 February 2021, the International Teleconference “Implementation of Jean Monnet projects in the Erasmus+ Programme in Kazakhstan and Ukraine: Exchange of Experience and Prospects for Cooperation” took place online. This event was a joint initiative of the representatives of the two countries, designed to promote a better understanding of the specifics of the implementation […]

Participation in the meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE OPTIMA project (04.02.2021, online)

On 4 February 2020, the Erasmus+ CBHE project OPTIMA “Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia” was launched. The event was attended by representatives of a consortium from the Graz University of Technology, Austria; Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland; University of Côte d’Azur, France European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers, Belgium; […]

Participation in the kick-off meeting of the CBHE CLIMED project (03-04.02.2021, online)

On 3-4 February 2020, the Erasmus+ CBHE project CLIMED “Multilevel Local, Nation- and Regionwide Education and Training in Climate Services, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” was launched. The event was attended by representatives of a consortium from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain;Estonian Life Science University, Tartu, Estonia; Odesa State Environmental University, Ukraine;Kyiv National […]

Participation in the kick-off meeting of the CBHE CLIMAN project (03.02.2021, online)

On 3 February 2020, the Erasmus+ CBHE project CLIMAN “Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention” was launched. Oleg SHAROV, Director General, Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, HERE team; Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, Coordinator of the NEO – Ukraine; Oksana MINICH, CoordCoordinator of […]

Participation within Jean Monnet project event “Democratic decentralization as a European experience of public administration” (29.01.2021, online)

On 29 January 2021, NEO – Ukraine took part in the event “Student Self-Governance. How to create a successful project” within implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “Democratic decentralization as a European experience of public administration” (620067-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). The event was organized by Kharkiv National University of Economics in cooperation with regional state administrations, city […]