The first meeting of participants of the project ERASMUS+ “Quality Assuarance System in Ukraine”
In the framework of the international grant project “Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base ENQA Standards and Guidelines” within the EU Erasmus+ programme Capacity-building in the Field of Higher Education, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv hosted the first meeting of partners – participants on 4-6th of April 2016 in the Mirror Hall.
The project consortium was formed of 13 universities from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Greece, the Netherlands, as well as the German independent agency for external evaluation and accreditation (ASIIN), Central European network of agencies for quality assurance (CEENQA), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, state educational institution “Training and methodology centre for qualified education” and Ukrainian Association of student self-governance.
During two years this national project should develop and propose for the Ukrainian Higher Education System development tools for the sustainable functioning of internal and external quality assurance systems, the development of the potential of universities and institutions at the national level through training its staff, the organization of infrastructure at different levels, stimulation and greater involvement of students in processes of self-governance at universities, the introduction of a mechanism of introspection as an integral component of institutional functioning.
These ambitious goals imply the active and coordinated work of all partners, students and teachers, the Ministry and civil society activists. The meeting had a full agenda: the delegates exchanged information on the development of educational process quality in the partner institutions, they examined in detail the project work plans and outlined further plans of activities, planned budget allocation, prepared the text of the partnership agreement, analyzed and approved the rules of the financial activity within the project.
The project plans to inform the educational community about its accomplishments on the regular basis and invites all interested to participate in project activities.
Detailed information you can get from contact person in Ukraine – Olha Oseredchuk, phone +38 (032) 239 40 10 or e-mail: