


Жан Моне

Відновлення потенціалу досліджень ЄС в районах України, постраждалих від конфлікту: відповідь на виклики та створення рішень

Тип проекту:PROJECT
Тип HEI/Other:NGO
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Kyiv Region
Короткий опис:

The overall goal of the project is to step in to counter and help to reverse these negative trends, and for this purpose, to identify, train and build a cohort of like-minded agents of change which can meaningfully contribute and engage into the rebuilding and improvement of EU Studies in the conflict-affected areas. The project will also examine and reflect on key challenges related to the development of EU Studies in those territories and offer recommendations and examples of how to respond to them.
The project’s objectives are: To analyze and specify which topics, issues and a type of information on EU-Ukraine relations and the European Union in general would be relevant, thought-provoking and engaging for students and would also respond to the expectations and needs of a broader society in those territories; To equip participants with innovative contemporary pedagogical methods and explore how to incorporate and adjust them to EU-focused teaching activities implemented in conflict-affected areas; To promote application of digital tools and technologies in teaching EU studies taking into account specificities of the students, internally displaced persons who were forced to flee their home and those residing in temporarily uncontrolled territories of Ukraine; To prepare a series of participants’ activities which will be focused on specific aspects of how to change and improve various practices and policies in areas of EU Studies; To present participants’ good practices and formulate a series of recommendations which both would serve as a roadmap for addressing various issues related to the field of EU studies.