


Жан Моне

Економіка ЄС без вуглецю: найкращі практики для України

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

This Jean Monnet Module “EU Carbon-free economy: best practices for Ukraine” (CFEU) aims at understanding and disseminating the EU movements in developing the Carbon-free economy to mitigate consequences of climate change while boosting energy efficiency and reducing a carbon footprint. The EU Cohesion Policy Greener and Carbon-free Europe is one of the objectives which will drive EU investments in 2021-2027. The EU has already a powerful achievement in sustainable and green economy. In this case, it is necessary to extend best EU practices among emerging economies such as Ukraine. Besides, the EU integration process requires synchronizing the EU and Ukrainian policies in all spheres, including green policy. The team of CFEU performs to train the European-oriented specialists through teaching the disciplines promoting the EU principles and movements toward the Carbon-free economy. The target groups of CFEU are BA, MA and PhD students from Sumy State University and partner HEIs from different regions of Ukraine which allow achieving the multidisciplinary synergy effect. Within CFEU we will perform different educational interactive activities and teaching methods (lectures, workshops, science festivals, study visits, successful storytelling, brainstorming, games, virtual reality, etc) in order to develop innovative and critical thinking, transversal, collaboration and communication skills among students. In CFEU the professionals will be involved as the key speakers on science festivals. The participation of entrepreneurs will allow enhancing inclusive and equitable quality education, promote lifelong learning opportunities. The main outputs are: developed website of CFEU, teaching materials, 2 on-line courses for better dissemination of results; study visits to 2 local companies implementing energy-efficient projects; published monograph “The EU Cohesion policy and Carbon-free economy: Road map for Ukraine”, 3 papers on the EU Cohesion policy and Carbon-free economy.

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