


Жан Моне

Політика ЄС щодо МСП (малих та середніх підприємств): перспективи та виклики для України

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

The main goal of this Jean Monnet Module “EU policy for SMEs: perspectives and challenges for Ukraine” (EU4SMEs) is providing the knowledge of EU policy (ethics, culture, legislations and principals, etc.) to support SMEs as a core element of economic development through developed three modules and annual summer school.The mission is considering EU experience to extend knowledge about EU values, ethics, principals for creating and run business among students who are the basis of future country’s development. In EU 99% of business is represented by SMEs and the huge share of GDP generates by SMEs. In this case, for Ukrainians, it is important to understand the windows which opened for SMEs within EU integration.The target group is youth (students of different specialities) from three regions of Ukraine (Sumy, Lviv and Kharkiv). Involving of partner HEIs allow better disseminating of EU business ethics and culture of running the business.We will perform exiting and new teaching methods (lectures, workshops, successful storytelling, brainstorming etc.) which will give an opportunity to develop creative and critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills among the students. The experienced mentors (civil society and entrepreneurs) to be involved during the EU4SEEMs. It would provide an opportunity to enhance inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.The main outputs are: developed website of EU4SMEs, EU related courses and appropriate lectures for students, 2 online courses for better dissemination of results; inter-university network of academics, students and entrepreneurs (3 regions involved); published 2 papers on EU policy for supporting SMEs, 1 monograph “EU policy for SMEs: windows for Ukraine”; strengthening links with universities, youth and entrepreneurs related to run the business according to the EU values and ethics.

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