


Жан Моне

Розвиток цінностей Європейського Союзу в Україні

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2018-2021
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

The project EUV is designed to promote excellence in teaching and academic research in the field of European Union studies in Sumy State University (SSU). The complex of project’s activities will contribute to solve problems of implementation of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, such as discrepancy between the challenges facing Ukraine and stereotyped attitudes toward the law and human rights, inappropriate values laid down in the policymaking, existing in-formal rules and in-formal institutions, disrespect for the human dignity, manifestation of intolerance, weak civil society and the lack of solidarity within communities. Achievement of the project’s mission will bring positive and long-lasting effects to the involved person and will facilitate the eradication of undesirable practice. The project team focuses its activities on training of pro-European-oriented specialists and promotion of EU values, particularly in Sumy Region neighboring the Russian Federation. Сommitment to improvement of this activity is also the reason to implement the project.This project contemplates the following activities:• Development and implementation of educational module on enforcement of EU values in Ukraine;• Creation of Open Online Couse and Distance-Learning Course on EU values;• As part of the pedagogical practice, conducting thematic lessons, debates and workshops;• Deliverance of a monograph on prospects for enforcement of EU values in Ukraine and publishing of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals;• Creation of project web-resource for dissemination of information in social networks.Impact: promotion and dissemination of curricular on EU values awareness of students, staff, law professionals, civil society representatives and general public; dissemination of information about benefits of EU values enforcement in Ukraine; promotion of solidarity, strengthening of civil society and ensuring its more systemic involvement into European integration process.

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