


Жан Моне

Європейський досвід в галузі трансферу технологій для українських університетів

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2019-2022
Регіон:Lviv Region
Короткий опис:

In order to implement technology transfer at Ukrainian universities R&D offices are established. In fact, technology transfer is not being performed. Such a situation occurs because of:- scientists are afraid of losing property rights to the scientific elaboration;- scientists have no experience of technology transfer;- university R&D offices, responsible for technology transfer are not ready or motivated enough to perform technology transfer, moreover, busy with bureaucratic work (supplying various types of reports, especially to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine). Nowadays, innovative offices at universities are not a link, which connects scientists, who form the innovation to the business environment.- investors’ unavailability to invest in risky projects, which technology transfer is. In addition, investors have no information about the research and development undertaken by universities.In order to conduct changes in technology transfer we are going to achieve the following goals:• To disseminate the information about the European experience through training University researchers, PhD students and administrative staff of University R&D offices to carry out technology transfer according to standards of the European Union. The goal will be achieved through three summer schools. Classes will be held both by Ukrainian and by EU experts. Teaching materials (lecture notes, presentations and cases) will be developed for the summer school “European Experience in Technology Transfer for Ukrainian Universities”. • To teach representatives of local government how to transfer technologies, how to develop innovative office, how to build regional technological maps and how to start spin offs and spin outs. This goal will be achieved through 3 trainings.