


Жан Моне

Європейські стандарти захисту прав споживачів фінансових послуг

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

In view of active development of the financial services market in Ukraine, the emergence of new types and taking into account the principle of the rule of law and European values, the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of legal protection of the rights of consumers of financial services is an urgent need today.The main goals of the project are: • training highly qualified EU-oriented professionals who will be able to effectively organize legal support for the protection of consumers of financial services in accordance with the rules of national law and taking into account EU standards in the field; • disseminating information on European standards for protecting the rights of consumers of financial services through cooperation with regional media, stimulating the interest of the general public in reforms taking place in the financial sector of the country and facilitating their understanding; • providing students, graduates, civil society organizations and the general public with knowledge of European Union legislation regarding the legal regulation of the protection of consumers of financial services, and encouraging them to apply their knowledge to national practice; • promoting innovation in learning and research, including the development of open online courses and the use of blended learning tools. Tangible outputs of the project: development and implementation in the educational process of a separate discipline – module «European standards for protection of rights of consumers of financial services»; publication of the manual in order to disseminate information on the topic of the module to the target audience; organizing and conducting special events in the form of project presentation, trainings and workshops; provision of free legal consultations and supporting legal students activities in SSU Law Clinic; development of an open online course on the SSU OCW platform.

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