Business development management: integrating the European experience
Короткий опис:
THE OVERALL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT is to contribute to the economic integration of Ukraine in the European Union (EU) through the training of students and other target groups in finding solutions for an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth for business and the development of academic research in the field of European integration. TARGET GROUPS: • University students enrolled in the master’s program “Business Administration”; • University students outside the master’s program “Business Administration”; • Teaching staff of the university; • Other Higher education institutions. ACTIVITIES: • Managing the web page about the project on the KSUFT website; • Mandatory course BUDEMA, integrated in the Master program – 76 hours; • summer school – 36 hours; • Round table; • 5 National conferences with international participation; RESULTS: Tangible results • handbook BUDEMA; • collections of conference materials; • scientific publications in peer review journals; • on-line course on Business Development Management in the context of European integration; • master’s degree program complemented with the EU discipline focused on business development management; Intangible results; • knowledge about EU, its policy, culture, opportunities for cooperation gained by students, staff and other stakeholders; • obtained experience in teaching European practice in business development management; • increased students` skills in business development management in the context of Ukraine European integration. IMPACT: In the long run it is expeсted implementation European business culture, European business development approaches into ordinary practice at Ukrainian business entities; Ukrainian business entities are ready for integration to European business environment.