


Жан Моне

European Integration through Trade: History, Theories and Implementation in Ukraine

Тип проекту:Module
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2022-2025
Короткий опис:

Project objectives are: (i) to enrich the curriculum of the NAUKMA master programme in International Relations with a course on European integration through trade; (ii) promote the dialogue between the academic world and wider society as to the EU-Ukraine Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) implementation; (iii) increase awareness among course participants on (i) the role of trade in EU integration and (ii) the EU-Ukraine DCFTA implementation and the DCFTA’s transformative potential; (iv) improve the course participants’ ability to analyze the EU-Ukraine DCFTA implementation and communicate the findings to wider society in a simple and engaging manner; (v) provide journalists and bloggers from Kyiv and Ukraine’s regions with up-to-date information about the EU-Ukraine DCFTA implementation in terms of six free seminars and (vi) keep wider society up-to-date about the successes, benefits and next steps pertaining to the DCFTA implementation. Activities include: a course on EU integration through trade, seminars for journalists and bloggers, publication of infographics and interactive media long-reads on DCFTA implementation. Beneficiaries: 120 course participants, 90 journalists and bloggers, 10 000 wider society members who will get acquainted with infographics and long-reads. Short-term results: (i) 60-hour course on European Integration through Trade; (ii) stronger dialogue between academia and wider society on the DCFTA; (iii) journalists and bloggers receive up-to-date information about the DCFTA implementation; (iv) wider society gets a better insight into the DCFTA implementation. Long-term effects: course integration into the IR master programme; deepening expertise of the NAUKMA IR Department and the School for Policy Analysis; stronger intellectual exchange between academia and wider society; the wider society’s improved capacity to keep track on DCFTA implementation; stronger ownership of the DCFTA implementation in the Ukrainian society.