Інфраструктура, яка об’єднала Європу: погляди в історію, новітні розробки та перспективи для потенціалу
Короткий опис:
The project suggests developing and implementing a new course “Infrastructure that have united Europe: Insights into the History, Recent Developments and Outlook for Capacities” for undergraduate students of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University that master International Economics and History (two master’s programs). The aim of the module is to attract the attention of Ukrainian society to the necessity of institutional reforms in infrastructure system in order to foster integration and cooperation between Ukraine and European countries. Some of the objectives of the project are: provide students with necessary skills and competences in the field of infrastructure development; encourage young generation of teachers and students in European Union studies subject area; encourage young generation to promote and disseminate the examples of successful infrastructure projects, search for optimal solutions of ecological and logistics problems in Ukraine and others.