


Жан Моне

Інструменти екологічної політики ЄС

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2017-2020
Регіон:Kharkiv Region
Короткий опис:

A considerable and rapidly growing portion of Ukrainian environmental policies is developed based on the EU experience. Although the EU environmental policy package is one of the strongest in the world, it works only if fully implemented and enforced, and for this, especially if using it outside the EU, advanced understanding of the EU policy context and policy instruments is essential. This problem is not explicitly recognised by national qualification frameworks in Ukraine, and it is not addressed by curricula. The overall aim of INENCY is to develop and disseminate a module focusing on gaps in educational provision as regards EU environmental policy instruments. This will be achieved through the objectives:- To analyse applicability of instruments offered by EU environmental directives (most of all WFD, DWD, HABITAT, BIRD, EIA) and European Climate Change Programs (ECCP) in UA context, and integrate the research findings to a 8 ECTS module consisting of 3 courses on ICT tools for environmental policy and management in the EU, global change economics and EU environmental management, and advanced topics of sustainability in relation to relevant EU policies;- To launch the courses at the Kharkiv National University (KKNU) and ensure transfer of expertise in the subject area, teaching, learning and curriculum development from the EU, and provide first teaching/curriculum development experience to early stage faculty and PhD students (at least 3/year involved as teaching assistants and co-presenters);- To disseminate project research findings, curricula, learning materials and teaching/curriculum development experience, and foster exchange of ideas between EU and UA academia through international (at least 2) and national (at least 3) peer-reviewed publications, INENCY site and open-access e-learning, annual science-policy-practice seminars and talks on national and international conferences (at least 6).