


Жан Моне

Соціальна згуртованість в освіті і врядуванні: Європейські студії

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2017-2020
Регіон:Kyiv Region
Короткий опис:

The modern society is experiencing separation of various reasons. Migration crisis in Europe and Ukraine actualises experience exchange in this direction. The eurointegration processes should be supported by results of recent cognitive researches and cognitive technologies of social behavoir management. Academic researches should reflect cognitive processes, patterns of thinking. The EU has sufficient experience in migration, inclusivity and educational innovations issues. European studies plays very important role in the development processes in our country. At the NPDU these studies are concerned about educational and pedagogical issues. Integration processes should be based on mechanisms of social cohesion dissiminated on different level of social organisation.The basic innovations:elaboration of new courses in the field of the European social cohesion studies; conducting of interuniversity training which is expected to provide the possibility for students of different higher educational institutions of Kiev region and Ukraine;elaboration of improvement of professional skill program for leaders of civil society and heads of Kiev region public administrations; teaching activity assumes acquaintance of target audience to the newest information and communication technologies in frameworks of courses will be thought;as a result of project elaboration of educational and methodical teaching materials for distance training concerning the European social cohesion practices in the future, including publications in English; methodologically the project assumes a combination of various innovative modes of study within the limits of teaching of basic courses and trainings: simulation games, small-group tutorials, individual and group coaching, facilitation sessions; the project is principally interdisciplinary research: to be invited specialists from different fields of studies, target groups are geterogenic and are expected to mutually enrich each other.