Студії ЄС в Східноєвропейському національному університеті імені Лесі Українки
Короткий опис:
Developing closer cooperation (integration) of Ukraine with the European Union should be based upon training of professionals who are oriented to the European values and are aware of arrangements that must be undertaken in Ukraine in order to secure these values. Within the Project there will be three 48-hour trainings for teachers, three 48-hour trainings for (post)graduate students, three 48-hour trainings for public administrators, an international conference, a few press-conferences and presentations arranged and conducted. Additionally, 2 graduate courses will be developed and introduced into regular academic curriculum and a Point for the EU Studies established at the University. Finally, a brochure “EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: what should be done to enhance its implementation at regional level?”, a reference book “European Integration”, conference proceedings and a research paper “Consequences of EU membership of Ukraine: public finance approach” will be published. We intend to gradually transform the newly created Point for the EU Studies into formal regional academic centre of expertise (excellence) on EU issues. Trainings for public administrators and school teachers, that are planned within the Project, are intended to be the ‘early birds’ on the way to develop partnership relations on EU-studies with external institutions (regional training centres for public administrators and for pedagogical workers). In total (together with international conference) up to 500 people will be directly impacted. Most of the representatives of the expected target groups will be young individuals who have big potential of social activity and/or leading skills and it will multiply the effect of the Project. The Project’s (later – Point’s) web-page as well as its profiles in social networks will be created. They will serve as interactive platforms and source of information about Project’s activities for all the involved parties.