


Жан Моне

Successes and shortcomings of the monetary policy of the European Union: implications for Ukraine

Акронім:Monetary policy
Тип проекту:Module
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2022-2025
Короткий опис:

The project is aimed at studying the monetary policy of the central banks of the EU countries and its impact on the economic development of countries. The current application provides knowledge based curricula meeting the requirements of the world’s leading universities. A significant part of the curriculum is devoted to the study of unconventional monetary policy of the central banks of the EU countries. During the implementation of the project, new courses will be read for students of Odessa National University, an annual round table, Weekend School will be organized, a collection of students’ papers will be published and 3 articles by the faculty members of which have prepared the current application. One of the main results of the project is that the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations of ONU will become a leading resource center for the study of monetary policy in the south of Ukraine. As a result of the project, a network will be created between university professors, students, pupils, non-governmental organizations and local authorities specializing in the study of European values and monetary policy. This network will help its members exchange information and learning and research results, find new funding opportunities and prepare mutual proposals, etc.