


Жан Моне

Sustainable, Inclusive and Smart Development within Decentralization Process: the EU experience

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The implementation of the EU experience in achieving the goals of Sustainable, Inclusive, and Smart Growth in Ukraine requires the training of professionals focused on European values, who have the appropriate competencies and knowledge to achieve these goals in a decentralized environment. Training activities aimed at supporting the EU in the areas of education and local self-government hav the greatest multiplier and long-term effect. The Project will provide three 48-hour training for Master (120 people), three 48-hour training for PhD students (45 people), three 48-hour training for teachers(150 people), two 48-hour training for the public servants (100 people), one 48-hour training for representatives of local communities and NGOs (100 people); an international conference, two press conferences, and four presentations organized and conducted. Two courses of educational and scientific training for PhD students will be developed and introduced into the curriculum, and the Center for Sustainable, Inclusive, and Smart Europe Research will be established. A textbook, a monograph, conference materials, and four presentation brochures will be published. All activities planned under the Project will be mainly based on human, technical, and information resources of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. We intend to gradually transform the Center for European Sustainable, Inclusive, and Smart Research into the official Regional Academic Center for the Examination of EU Best Practices in Sustainable, Inclusive, and Smart Community Growth. It is planned to develop partnerships to study the experience of the EU with external institutions (regional training centers for public administrators, NGOs). The introduction of innovative educational tools during teaching is envisaged. The overall impact of the Project, reaching its target audience, open resources, and wide public presentation, directly affects up to 815 people. Most of the expected target groups will be young