


Жан Моне

Україна – ЄС: крос-культурні порівняння в освітніх дослідженнях

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2016-2019
Регіон:Kyiv Region
Короткий опис:

The Module is targeted at postgraduate students whose research deals with secondary education. The principal aim of the Module is to introduce European component in educational research in Ukraine as well as to bring European standards in Ukrainian educational research thus raising the quality of Ukrainian education, research, and continuous professional development for teachers, researchers and policy-makers. The 116 hours Module is composed of 3 parts: theoretical, methodological, and practical. The theoretical part is going to deal with the outline of conventional and alternative school education in the EU countries (policy, curricula, learning strategies, creativity development etc.) The methodological part will rely on European academic experience to advance empirical, data-driven educational research in Ukraine, promote inter-disciplinarity, expand the field of ‘pedagogy’ through engagement with the schools of action research, lesson study, evidence-based pedagogy and others. The practical part of the module will promote critical dialogue, feedback and accountability between researchers, institutions and a wider society, as well as disseminate research findings. The emerging educational researchers do not automatically come into contact with EU studies, so the Module might play a pivotal role in their attitudes to academic integrity. The students who take postgraduate course at the Institute of Pedagogy are all from different Ukrainian universities, which creates favourable conditions for promoting excellence and innovation in teaching and research in EU studies in different universities through networking with other institutions. The suggested Module is innovative due to the innovative content, and due to the use of innovative educational methods and leaning modes relying on constructing knowledge and critical dialogue. The Module goes in line with the mission of Ukrainian Educational Research Association which is a member of EERA.