


Жан Моне

Урядування ЄС та політика європейської інтеграції

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2019-2022
Регіон:Mykolaiyv Region
Короткий опис:

Jean Monnet Modules “EU Governance and Politics of European Integration” comprises three modules: “Politics of European Integration”, “Institutional and Legal System of the European Union”, “EU governance and decision-making” for the MA students in Public Administration and Social Work. Total number of students 180. Each module will be taught in collaboration by several lecturers. Various professional groups will be involved through the workshop “”Modern Challenges in EU Government and Policy-Making””, in particular, public administrators and social workers.Electronic resources will include a Multimedia Textbook “”EU Governance and Policy of European Integration”” and an Electronic Database “”Research, materials and documents on the European Union and European integration””. They will promote innovation in teaching and conducting European research.MA theses in the areas of European Studies will be written by students at the end of the 3rd module. Specialists and researchers from the universities in Ukraine, Poland and Ukrainian Association for European Studies will review the theses.