


Жан Моне

Європейські стандарти місцевого самоврядування та регіональна політика ЄС

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2019-2022
Регіон:Kharkiv Region
Короткий опис:

EU-RegPol is an introduction to EU regional policy, its key elements, principles and concepts; it stimulates an interest in the EU and its internal reforms. The course consists of 60 teaching hours (36 lectures and 24 seminars) to be taught, depending of the year, in the 6 groups during 1st and 3d years of the project (36+24*6=180 teaching hours), or in the 4 groups during the 2d year of the project (36+24*4=132 teaching hours). EU-RegPol structure covers 11 topics:1)European Governance in Political and Legal Dimensions2)Local Government in the EU Multi-Layered System of Governance3)European standards of local self-government4)Regionalization and Regionalism: Basic Concepts and Typology 5)Theorizing European Regionalism 6)Regionalization in the EU: Trends and Challenges7)European regionalism in the context of European Integration and EU development 8)EU Regional Policy9)Systems and models of local self-government in the EU countries10)Towards a good governance on the national level: EU regional policy and reforms in the member-states11)Regionalization and Europeanization of UkraineIn addition to the teaching activities the project includes conferences (2), round tables (3), open lectures (min.3), meetings with the experts from the EU regarding teaching EU-related disciplines (min.6) etc. A textbook on EU regional policy will result from the project to be used in the process of teaching-studying after the project completion.EU-RegPol is interesting not only in the context of Ukraine’s course toward European integration and implementation of the Association Agreement but also in the context of the ongoing constitutional and municipal reforms in Ukraine as EU regional policy, its methods and principles can have a practical implication in Ukraine.