XIV All-Ukrainian video-conference “Scientific and methodological support of Vocational Education and Training” (07.05.20)

On May 7, 2020, Volodymyr LUGOVYY, First Vice-President, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, member of the National Higher Education Reform Experts Team of the Erasmus+ Programme took part in the XIV All-Ukrainian video-conference “Scientific and methodological support of Vocational Education and Training” organized by the Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy […]

Video presentation “Registration of Erasmus+ projects in the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: preparation of documents and necessary procedures”

Dear Erasmus+ Community! NEO-Ukraine team prepared a video presentation “Registration of Erasmus+ projects in the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: preparation of documents and necessary procedures” to provide advice and guidance to HEIs teams that will implement CBHE and Jean Monnet projects. Petro KRAYNIK highlighted the registration procedure, the mandatory package of […]

Online discussion in the framework of the preparation of the action plan for the implementation of the Open Government Partnership Initiative (05.05.2020, on-line)

On May 5, 2020 the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers organized the second online meeting on preparation of the new action plan for the implementation of the Open Government Partnership Initiative. During the event participants discussed educational issues in the context of access to relevant information, interaction […]

Cluster Facebook-webinar “Guidelines on First Steps and Successful Implementation for Erasmus+ CBHE projects teams” (28.04.2020)

On 28 April 2020, the NEO-Ukraine team organised a Facebook-webinar “Guidelines on First Steps and Successful Implementation for Erasmus+ CBHE projects teams” to provide an advice and guidance to Erasmus+ CBHE project teams within the EU Erasmus+ programme and legislation of Ukraine. More than 1300 representatives of Ukrainian universities’ IROs, Erasmus+ coordinators and representatives of […]

Spring School “Towards Food Safety: Approaches to Implement European Food Safety Control” as part of the Jean Monnet Project (28-29.04.2020)

On April 28-29, 2020 the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine organized Spring School under the Erasmus+ jean Monnet project «EU Food Safety Control» (№587548-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). Around 170 participants joined the events as well as: representatives of the International Office of Epizootics (Paris, France), the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and […]

Participation in kick-off meeting within the Erasmus+ CBHE UniClaD project (24.04.2020, on-line)

On April 24, 2020 a kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ UniClaD “Enhancing capacity of universities to initiate and to participate in clusters development on innovation and sustainability principles” project team was organized. The meeting was attended by 50 experts from 24 partner counties: Austria, Azerbaijan, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Hungary and Ukraine. Project Coordinator form […]

Cluster Facebook-webinar “National Higher Education Reform Experts team (HERE team): new knowledge and opportunities in the modernization of HEIs study programs” (23.04.2020)

On 23 April 2020, the NEO-Ukraine team organised Cluster Facebook-webinar “National Higher Education Reform Experts team (HERE team): new knowledge and opportunities in the modernization of HEIs study programs”. More than 1300 participants joined the online. During the Facebook webinar, Zhanna TALANOVA provided presentation on the current development of the national higher education system in the context of the […]

Cluster Facebook-webinar “National Higher Education Reform Experts team (HERE team): new knowledge and opportunities in the modernization of HEIs study programs” (23.04.2020)

On 23 April 2020, the NEO-Ukraine team organised Cluster Facebook-webinar “National Higher Education Reform Experts team (HERE team): new knowledge and opportunities in the modernization of HEIs study programs”. More than 1300 participants joined the online. During the Facebook webinar, Zhanna TALANOVA provided presentation on the current development of the national higher education system in […]

Cluster Facebook-webinar “Jean Monnet: Key Steps and Recommendations of Successful Implementation” (21.04.2020, on-line)

On 21 April 2020, the NEO-Ukraine team organised Cluster Facebook-webinar “Jean Monnet: Key Steps and Recommendations of Successful Implementation (for winners – 2020)” to provide an advice and guidance to Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project teams (winners – 2020). More than 700 representatives of Ukrainian universities’ IROs, Erasmus+ coordinators and representatives of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project […]

Skype-meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project team (21.04.2020, on-line)

On 21 April, 2020 Erasmus+ CBHE Pagoste project team “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” organized a skype-meeting. Around 15 project managers from all Ukrainian partner organisations joined the on-line meeting as well as grantholder representative from Germany. NEO-Ukraine coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the Skype session with recommendations […]