*Information is constantly updated, so we advise you to subscribe to the news and follow event announcements.


January-December: Consultations on Erasmus+ institutional partnership cooperation opportunities (provided daily)

January-December: Consultations on Erasmus+ individual scholarship opportunities to students and university staff (new opportunities are open) (provided daily)

January-December: Consultations for project team-winners of Capacity Building projects within Erasmus+ (provided daily)

January-December: Preparation and updating of documents package to help project teams- winners of Erasmus+ Calls (website, translation of documents, updates of precepts, etc.) – prepared, placed at NEO website

January-December: Participation in working groups’ activities on higher education modernization in Ukraine

January-December: Online presentations for Ukrainian HEIs (on request)

January-February: Preparation of the detailed report on the work performed by the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) in Ukraine and HERE team to prepare the monitoring card for the Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Economy and Trade of Ukraine as well as the report for the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine

January-December: Meetings with Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine on planning and realization of activities

January-December: Consultations on financial management for project teams in accordance with the Programme rules and Ukrainian legislation framework

January-December: HERE working meeting on planning activities

January-March: ЕАСЕА documentation audit of the HERE project

January-February: Deadlines for the individuals on Eramus Mundus Joint Master Degrees




6 January: Interview with Member of the National Erasmus+ Higher Education Reform Experts Team (HERE team) Mychailo WYNNYCKYJ for LB.UA “Take the best from the West and leave them the rest. We try to do this”

6 January: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation for the team of the All-Ukrainian Wrestling Association

8 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in the field of youth with teams from Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukrainian Youth Foundation and NGO

8 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBVET opportunities for representatives of Lviv IT cluster

8 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBVET opportunities for representatives of Professional and Pedagogical College of Oleksandr Dovzhenko State Pedagogical University and Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

8 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBVET opportunities for representatives of Ruslan Shostak Charitable Foundation

9 January: Interview for the Ukrainska Pravda on individual Erasmus+ opportunities

10 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities for youth with the team Youth Centre of Uman city

10 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities for youth with the team of school NGO

11 January: Introductory speech within the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ DP5YOU CBS project

13 January: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation for the team of Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University 

13 January: Group consultation on PIC&OID profiles for the team of the Institute of Technical Mechanics 

13 January: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation for the team of Nizhyn State University

13 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ academic mobility opportunities for the team of Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy

13 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University

13 January: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation for the team of Kyiv School of Economics

14 January: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation for the team of Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

14 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities for youth with the team of the Strongmen Federation of Ukraine

14 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

14 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

15 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities for youth with the team of Youth NGO

15 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ academic mobility opportunities for the team of Khmelnytsky Cooperative Institute of Trade and Economics

15 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ KA220 EDU, HED, CBVET opportunities for the team of the University of Customs and Finance

15 January: Infosession within Jean Monnet International Winter School “Academic Project Management and Effective Communication – 2025”

15 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project implementation for academic staff of the National Aviation University

15 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the National Aviation University

15 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the University of Future Transformation

15 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBHE opportunities for representatives of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

15 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBVET opportunities for representatives of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University and Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

15 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBVET opportunities for  representatives of Kivertsiv Professional Medical College

15 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBVET opportunities for  representatives of Zaporizhia Aviation Vocational College

15 January: Group consultation on state regisrtation for representatives of Lviv State University of Life Safety

15 January: Information session for representatives of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University on the preparation and implementation of Erasmus+ projects

17 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities for youth with the team of Pavlohrad City Council, Dnipropetrovska oblast

17 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities for youth with the team of the Odesa District Military Administration

17 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in the field of sports with the team of the CF “Cycling Ukraine”

17 January: Group consultation on DoH and GAP for grantholder of Erasmus+ CBS “SPORT_EV” project

17 January: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation, DoH and GAP for partners of Erasmus+ CBS “SPORT_EV” project

17 January: Group consultation on state regisrtation for representatives of Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

18 January: Speech at the annual national conference ‘eTwinning – Ukraine: Results of 2024 and Prospects and Tasks of 2025’ (Kyiv)

20 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the University of Customs and Finance

20 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project implementation for academic staff of the University of Customs and Finance

20 January: Kick-off Meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE Project EUComplianceM4UA

21 January: Infosession on Erasmus+ opportunities within a training seminar for representatives of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

21 January: Meeting of the Commission of the Directorate for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration to review project applications of the Ministry of Education and Science

21 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Kherson State University

21 January: Media project “Learning and Growing Together” in cooperation with the Online Media “Ukrayinska Pravda”: “EU grants: more and more opportunities for young people”

22 January: Meeting on a joint event for Erasmus+ project coordinators with the EACEA policy officer

22 January: Group consultation on project ideas and new Erasmus+ calls with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia National University and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

22 January: Meeting on project ideas and new Erasmus+ calls with the team of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

22 January: Group consultation on the management of CBHE project funds during martial law for representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

22 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the NAS of Ukraine

22 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Podilskyi State University

22 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBVET opportunities for representatives of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University and Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

23 January: Group consultation on the “Bridging Cultures” project idea in the field of Erasmus+ KA220 Cooperation partnerships in school education

23 January: Meeting on cooperation within the Erasmus+ Programme with the team of the EU project Skilks4Recovery

23 January: Seminar – Infosession “Development of International Cooperation: Erasmus+ Programme Opportunities for Ukrainian Research Institutions and Education Institutions” (Kyiv, hybrid format)

24 January: First National Forum of Talented Youth (Kyiv)

24 January: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation for the team of Kyiv School of Economics

24 January: Grouз consultation on Erasmus+ in youth and sport with NGO “FADV”

25 January: CBVET and CoVEx Group consultation for representatives of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

27 January: Information session on the opportunities of the EU Erasmus+ Programme for representatives of the Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

28 January: Information session by a representative of the HERE team as part of the ‘Q&A Session: Changes to the list of fields of knowledge and specialities’

28 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

29 January: Infosession on Erasmus+ individual opportunities for students and staff of the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art

28 January: Introductory speech at the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE AMUSE project

29 January: Group consultation on Erasmus+ youth opportunities for the team of Backstage school

29 January: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Zaporizhzhia National University

30 January: Training seminar on partner search and project proposal writing for Erasmus+ call 2025 for the team of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



3 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBHE opportunities with the team of the University of Customs and Finance

3 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CBHE opportunities with the team of the State Tax University

3 February: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation, DoH and GAP for partners of Erasmus+ CBS “SPORT_EV” project

3 February: CBVET Group consultation for representatives of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

3 February: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

3 February: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

3 February: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Zaporizhzhia National Polytechnic University

4 February: Group consultation on PIC&OID profiles for the team of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

4 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ Youth&Sport for the team of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National  Pedagogical University

4 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ Youth&Sport for the team of the NGO “Strong Beliefs”

4 February: Meeting with ESN – Ukraine on cooperation and joint events for 2025

4 February: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the NAS of Ukraine

4 February: Group consultation on State registration for representatives of CLIMED project

4 February: CBVET Group consultation for representatives of Ruslan Shostak Charitable Foundation

4-6 February: Participation within Annual NEO-ICP-ENFP Meeting 2023

5 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ Youth&Sport for the team of the CF “Foundation of UAF”

6 February: Information Day on Erasmus+ opportunities within education, youth and sports for Uman City Council and NGOs of Cherkasy region (Uman)

6 February: Training on project poroposals writing withun Erasmus+ Youth&Sport for the team of the Department of Youth and Sports of Uman City Council (Uman)

6 February: CBVET Group consultation for representatives of Zhytomyr Trade and Economic Vocational College

7 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ Youth&Sport for the team of the NGO “Cultural Platform of Zakarpattia”

7 February: Group consultation on PIC&LEAR validation for the team of Khmelnytskyi Pedagogical Academy

10 February: Group consultation on PIC&OID for the team of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

10 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ Youth KA1 prroject implementation for the team of the NGO “Lileya”

10 February: Group consultation with the EACEA team on capacity building in higher education projects during martial law in Ukraine (Brussels)

10 February: Group consultation with EACEA representative to discuss peculiarities of implementing CBHE projects during the martial law in Ukraine (Brussels)

10 February: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

10 February: Group consultation on Jean Monnet project proposals preparation for academic staff of the Lviv National Environmental University

11 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CB Sport project proposal writing for the team of CF “NEEKA Ukraine”

11 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in education and youth for the team and subordinate colleges of NULESU

11 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CB Sport project proposal writing for the team of the CF “Foundation of UAF”

12 February: Infosession for Representatives of VET institutions on participation in Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Vocational Education and Training (CBVET) calls

12 February: Group consultation on the support and participation of the Ministry of Education and Science in the project “SMART-WELD: Sustainable modern achievements and sustainable technologies for welding” for the team of Yevhen Paton АCWE

12 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CB Youth project proposal writing for the team of the NGO “Lileya”

12 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CB Youth project proposal writing for the team of the NGO “Strong Beliefs”

12 February: CBVET Group consultation for representatives of Civil society organization ‘Cultural Platform of Transcarpathia’

13 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ education, youth and sport oportunities for the team of NGO “Digitalization of Tourism and Culture” and the Humanitarian Support Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

13 February: CBVET Group consultation for representatives of State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine

15 February: Infoday on individual Erasmus+ opportunities within the EUs Delegation to Ukraine’s Communication cCampaign “Learning and Growing Together” (Lviv)

17 February: Introductory speeach within Erasmus+ CBHE PROMENT Workshop

18 February: Group consultation on PIC&OID profiles for the team of the National Defence University of Ukraine

19 February: Group consultation on CBVET  for representatives of International Academy of Applied Sciences in Lomza and Sumy Vocational College

20 February: Group consultation on KA220-SCH for representatives of Gymnasium No. 110 in Kyiv

20 February: Group consultation KA220-HED for representatives of Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky

25 February: Participation within the EU Delegation to Ukraine trainig “Modern AI-tools for communicating EU funded projects” (Kyiv)

26 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CB Sport project proposal writing for the team of the CF “Foundation of UAF”

27 February: Introductory speech at the conference of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project “European Humanistic Vision in Human Resource Management”

27 February: Introductory speech at the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “Local Self-Government: National and European Experience”

28 February: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in education and youth for the team of NGO “Teach for Ukraine”

28 February: Preparations for Ukraine’s EU membership negotiations (Kyiv)



March: Сommunication and correspondence with Universities projects teams on the situation and opportunities for help

March: Сorrespondence with the DG EAC, EACEA and international partners on the situation and opportunities for help

March: Publication and update of the information for the available opportunities for help to students and staff

3 March: Infosession on Erasmus+ indidvidual opportunities within EU Study Days

3 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ CB Sport project proposal writing for the team of CF “NEEKA Ukraine”

4 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in the field of youth for the team of “Agro-town for IDPs” project 

5 March: Speech at the kick-off press conference of the EU Erasmus+ CBHE ReGrow international project

6 March: Participation in the networking event ‘#TogetherLearningGrowing’ by the EU Delegation to Ukraine (Kyiv)

7 March: Meeting on cooperation within 2025 with the team of the Youth Council under the President of Ukraine (Kyiv)

11 March: Meeting within 2nd meeting of the working (negotiation) group on preparation of Ukraine’s negotiating positions during the negotiations with the European Union on the conclusion of the Agreement on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union on education and culture (negotiating chapter 26 ‘Education and culture’)

11 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in education, youth and sports for the CF ‘MriyDiy’

11 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in education, youth and sports for the team of the Kharkiv Regional Development Agency

13 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in education, youth and sports for the team of NGO “FreeZone”

13 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in education, youth and sports for the team of NGO “Young Farmers of Ukraine”

13 March: Coordination meeting on #ErasmusDays2025

17 March: Meeting on cooperation within 2025 with the team of Ukrainian Youth Fund (Kyiv)

17 March: Introductory speech at the International Spring School as part of the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ project

17 March: Meeting with the French attaché for education and culture on joint activities within 2025

17 March: Introductory speech within kick-off meeting of Erasmus+ CBHE project ‘EduRob’

18 March: Group consultation for the Spanish Erasmus+ KA220 project on joint activities

19 March: Participation within SPHERE Focus group on the 3rd mission of the university

19 March: Introductory speech at the International School as part of the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ projects “EFFECTIVE ECOMANAGEMENT FOR UKRAINE’S EUROPEAN FUTURE”

19 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in the field of youth for the team of the CF ‘MriyDiy’

19 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in the field of youth for the team of the NGO ”BUR”

19 March: Group consultation on Erasmus+ opportunities in the field of youth for the team of the NGO ‘Sophia”

19 March: Meeting with the Head of the National Erasmus+ Agency on the mission to Ukraine in April 2025

20 March: Participation in a meeting with the Presidential Youth Council and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine on the Law of Ukraine No. 12245 “On New Opportunities in Financing the Youth Sector”

21 March: Seminar-Training for IROs: first steps within EUs Programme Erasmus+






9 May: Europe Day in Ukraine







July: Communication and correspondence with Universities projects teams on the situation and opportunities for help

July: Preparation of NEO – Ukraine Activity report for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine




August: Consultation and work with documentation

August: Updates materials for project implementers and project database

August: Communication and correspondence with Universities projects teams on the situation and opportunities for help







October: #ErasmusDays 2025




November: Infodays on Erasmus+ Call 2026 in education, youth and sport (tbc)

November: Bologna Conference (tbc)




December: Preparation of the  reports on the work performed by the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) and HERE in Ukraine to send to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).



 On a regular basis: consultations, Information Days on Erasmus+ new Calls; Information sessions for Ukrainian universities (Skype, etc.); trainings on project proposals writing; seminars for representatives of international departments of universities in Ukraine; educational exhibitions participation; support of HERE team activities and events for HEIs on implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and other working groups involved in higher education modernization in Ukraine; consulting; partner search, and other events.



HERE team 2025 ACTIVITY PLAN- upload (updating).

European Education and Culture Executive Agency.