Participation in the Forum “Internationalisation of Ukrainian HEIs 2021: German-Ukrainian experience” (08-09.09.2021, Kyiv)

On 8-9 September 2021, the two-day forum “Internationalization of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions 2021: German-Ukrainian Experience” was organised at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Forum was co-organized by representatives of the Research Unit, Department of International Cooperation of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, as well as the International […]

Participation in the International Final Meeting of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project (08.09.2021, online)

On 8 September 2021, the International Final Online Conference of the project was held with the participation of all partners and stakeholders from Ukraine, Belgium (Brussels), Georgia, Azerbaijan, Italy, Poland, and France to consolidate and discuss the results and consequences of the project. Petro KRAINIK, NEO – Ukraine Manager, joined the event and presented new […]

Participation in the training “Erasmus+ Writing Academy” (04.09.2021, Kyiv)

On 4 September 2021, the NGO “Young Agents of Change” organized a training “Erasmus+ Writing Academy” for leaders of Ukrainian organizations working with youth. Training was attended by leaders of non-governmental organizations from all regions of Ukraine and became a platform for networking and exchange of creative ideas, inspiration and starting point for further work […]

PDO with the Erasmus Mundus winners 2021 (23.07.2021, online)

On 23 July 2021 Pre-Departure Orientation meeting took place virtually to meet Ukrainian scholars of EMJMD 2021 Call. 40 newly selected master students from Ukraine and Erasmus+ Alumni actively participated in online orientation program. The agenda of the event included 1 intense day full of presentations, experience sharing sessions, online meetings with Embassies and an […]

Participation in the Conference “Education of Opportunities: New Horizons for VET” (08-09.07.2021, Lviv)

On 8-9 July 2021, NEO – Ukraine representative visited Lviv to perform presentation within Conference “Education of Opportunities: New Horizons for VET” organised by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with EU4Skills. Within the first day of the conference, constructive discussions on the management and financing of VET system as well as […]

Open seminar “Procedure for Qwarding the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy” (08.07.2021)

  On 8 July 2021, within the framework of the Erasmus+ DocHub project “Structuring cooperation in doctoral research, transferrable skills training, and academic writing instruction in Ukraine’s regions”, the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and the Doctoral School of National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (NaUKMA) organized an Open Seminar “Procedure for Qwarding […]