Он-лайн курс для менеджерів проєктів Програми ЄС Еразмус+ напряму Молодь (1-12 липня 2020 р.)
1-12 July 2020. Online, Romania, Project manager in Erasmus Plus – online training course – English / Spanish / Italian / Romanian languages. The online course Project Manager in Erasmus Plus will familiarise you with the basic concepts of project management applied in Erasmus+ projects.
Topics covered
We will cover some basic information on the following topics: general approach in project management, roles/responsibilities of a project manager, specific tools, the structure of an Erasmus+ project, planning tools, team coordination, quality management, communication in projects, risk management, dissemination and exploitation of results, follow up initiatives, stakeholdersâ engagement, conflict management, monitoring and control, closing, evaluation, reports etc.
This course is provided through the E+ project âOnline training courses for E+ Youth Workersâ, funded with support from the European Commission. More about the project and the other online modules developed in the project can be found at http://thecourses.eu.
Registration and more information are available at the web-site of the SALTO-YOUTH here at the link.