


Жан Моне

Європейська проектна культура

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2017-2020
Регіон:Zhaporizhzhya Region
Короткий опис:

The relevance of the project is caused by a full process of integration of Ukraine into the European educational and scientific space, which is a strategic goal of national reforms in education and science. One of the major issues hindering the implementation of this goal is lack of staff’s experience of participation in European research projects and hence that lack of specialized skills to implement the project activities, which greatly reduces the efficiency of use of the existing European cooperation. The solution of the problem could be provided via the implementation of specialization course “”Basics of European Project Activities”” for graduates and postgraduates.The objective of the project is the development of skills and competencies required for the joint implementation of educational and scientific projects with partner organizations of the EU. Project tasks are: theoretical generalization and transfer of practical experience gained by young scientists – members of the European programs of academic mobility and scientific cooperation; dissemination of European experience in the implementation of project activities; teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students the concept of the European Research Area, the principles of scientific work in the EU; popularization of the European model of managing research and scientific activities; forming new generations of scientists with regard to European requirements. Results of the project would comprise: development and testing of a training course “”Basics of European Project Activities”” and didactic materials to it, placing them free on the project web-site; its inclusion in the accredited curricula for graduates and postgraduates on a regular basis; generalization of experience and its extensive discussions with assistance of external experts (national and European) through different tools and development of recommendations for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

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