


Жан Моне

Європеїзація докторських програм у галузі освіти на засадах міждисциплінарного та інклюзивного підходів

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2018-2021
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

The proposed module “Europeanization of Doctoral Studies in the Field of Education: Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Approaches”(EURDOCS) is designed for doctoral students in order to bring European dimension into their research and facilitate their inclusion into European research community. Therefore, the aim of the project is Europeanization of content, methodological and organizational fundamentals of doctoral studies programs by means of introducing European standards of doctoral research in Ukraine and forming inclusive research environment. The proposed module includes three courses with an integral European Studies element that make up for a key component of a doctoral studies program for emerging researchers in the field of education. The courses have research-oriented character in accordance with the research standards of European Research Area (ERA), which entails learning each topic through research. Two intensive courses for doctoral students will be offered within the framework of the Module. Competences formed as a result of the Module develop and deepen in the process of pedagogical practice, which is compulsory for all doctoral students. The module is expected to promote European values such as collegiality, academic freedom, cooperation and exchange between individual researchers and institutions, zero tolerance to academic cheating and plagiarism, corruption etc. The doctoral candidates, who will take part in the program, work at all institutes of higher learning of North-eastern Ukraine, which creates favourable conditions for promoting excellence and innovation in teaching and research in EU studies at different universities through networking with other institutions.

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