


Жан Моне

ЄС як глобальний якор і агент змін

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2018-2021
Регіон:Odesa Region
Короткий опис:

The reason for the Module “EU as a Global Actor and Agent of Change” emerges from the need to fill the existing gap of lack of theoretical knowledge regarding the foreign policy of the EU as well as practical skills regarding the access to the EU funds and managing projects with the EU as a grant donor. The Module’s general objectives is to stimulate excellence in teaching, research and reflection in the field of EU foreign policy and diplomacy. The Module’s outputs will include the delivery of 2 tailor-made courses and 1 workshop per year for the participants who have diverse educational background and different geographic location; launch of a website for collecting materials and disseminating related information; the production of a collective monograph to exploit the outputs of the project and transfer them into long-lasting knowledge. The Module will be accompanied with the video lectures, study visits, annual conferences, simulation games and roundtables which will foster the development of modern learning tools and diversification of the teaching methods.The Module will reach out to various target groups inside and outside the National University “Odesa Law Academy”. Two courses (“EU Diplomacy” and “European Security”) are aimed at the master’s students with legal and journalistic background, while the series of workshops are targeted at broader public beyond the National University “Odesa Law Academy”: students who do not deal directly with the EU studies; academicians who seek to work with the EU funds in their professional careers; NGO representatives.It will promote the Europeanization of the curricula in the domain of the European Integration; excellence in teaching of the EU-related subjects; further research in the field of European studies; academic cooperation in the region and beyond; the links between Higher Education and the labour market by contributing to its participants’ better performance and employability in the labour market.