New monitoring framework of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

The European Commission has recently published the new Monitoring Guide of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027, the quality framework for participation in Erasmus+ mobilities and cooperation projects for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The guide contains a full monitoring package, including the evaluation grids and guiding questions for monitoring visits. In this document, ESN shares […]

How national funding systems support the European Universities alliances?

Check out the new Commission study on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education across the EU. The European Commission published a study mapping the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education in the context of support of the European Universities Initiative. The study focuses on two main topics: analysis […]

II International Scientific-Practical Conference «Personality, University, Society: Interaction under Conditions of Change» (12.04.2023, online)

On 12 April 2023 the II International Scientific-Practical Conference «Personality, University, Society: Interaction under Conditions of Change» on issues and challenges faced by Ukrainian universities under a novel reality triggered by the military aggression and objectives of post-war revival was organised. The Conference was initiated by the consortium of partners participating in the EU project […]

Meeting with EACEA and SPHERE team on HEREs (30.03.2023, online

On 30 March 2023, NEO – Ukraine together with HERE joined the meeting with EACEA and SPHERE. During the meeting participants were given an overview to the SPHERE Team of the priorities in each country’s national context, and help to identify topics to be addressed, in particular for 2023. During the meeting participants also discussed Dynamic […]

Participation in the Workshop on supporting Ukrainian maritime students to complete their studies (30.03.2023, online)

On March 30, 2023, the Lithuanian Maritime Academy held a workshop on supporting Ukrainian maritime students to complete their studies due to the war against Ukraine. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss and coordinate actions to support maritime students from Ukraine for their successful continuation of education and it from various EU member states […]

Participation and presentation in the webinar “Open Europe together with Erasmus+” (29.03.2023, online)

On March 29, 2023 , the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine joined the webinar “Open Europe together with Erasmus+” organized by EU Neighbor east and Young European Ambassadors. About 195 participants from different regions of Ukraine joined the event, representing active students and active tourist organizations. During the event,  Kateryna ZHDANOVA , manager of NEO […]