Participation in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine series of events for VET on Erasmus+ opportunities (22.04.2021, online)

Within 3 series of events for Vocational Education and Training Institutions of Ukraine during April, on 22 April 2021 NEO – Ukraine together with the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science organized a webinar on participation in Erasmus+ Programme “Experiences of Erasmus+ partner organizations: PAGOSTE“”, covering around 750 views via Facebook […]

Participation in the ENIC NARIC online seminar on Lisbon Recognition Convention (16.04.2021, online)

On April 16, 2021, an international online seminar “Supporting the Lisbon Recognition Convention” was held online based on the results of the European Commission’s project (Erasmus+ KA: Support to Policy Reforms in Higher Education) “I-Comply: Implementing Recognition Practices in the European Higher Education Area on the recognition of HE Qualifications in European region)”. Around 45 […]

Participation in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project’s III International Workshop at Ivan Franko Lviv National University (14-15.04.2021, online)

On 14-15 April 2021 NEO – Ukraine representative joined the III International Online Workshop of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies” on “Multidisciplinary Challenges in European Integration: The Experience of the Balkan Countries” at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, which was attended by about 80 participants. The […]

Participation in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine series of events for VET on Erasmus+ opportunities (15.04.2021, online)

Within 3 series of events for Vocational Education and Training Institutions of Ukraine during April, on 15 April 2021 NEO – Ukraine together with the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science organized a webinar on participation in Erasmus+ Programme “Experience of Ukrainian organizations – partners of Erasmus+ projects: ITE-VET”, covering around […]

Participation in the NA in Poland webinar on VET Erasmus+ opportunities (13.04.2021, online)

On 13 April 2021 NEO – Ukraine participated in the webinar “Erasmus+ Programme. Polish experience supporting VET” (online)organised by National Erasmus+ Agency in Poland. About 30 participants joined the event – potential organizations in the field of vocational education. Michał Kubiš, Polish Foundation for International Solidarity, EU4Skills Program and Ihor Harbaruk, Deputy Minister of Education […]