National Erasmus+ offices meeting (13.07.2020, on-line)

On 13 July 2020 online meeting of the National Erasmus+ Offices took place. NEO in Ukraine team joined the meeting. NEOs activities for 2021; Support SPHERE Impact study of the CBHE Structural Projects; Update Regional Impact studies and Launch National Impact Studies; Regional cluster meetings; EACEA monitoring visits and participation in NEOs activities; The NEO/ICP […]

Participation in the meeting of the Accreditation Commission of Ukraine (09.07.20)

On 9 July 2020, an online meeting of the Accreditation Commission of Ukraine took place. During the meeting, participants discussed the issues of primary accreditation of educational and professional programs at the level of junior specialist; the approval of the Intersectoral Expert Council on Higher Education’s decisions; and the approval of decisions of the Expert Council […]

Expert activities of the National Higher Education Reform Experts Team at the national and international levels

In January-June 2020, the National Higher Education Reform Experts Team of the Erasmus+ Programme carried out expert activities at the national and international levels with the preparation and publication of different analytical materials. The HERE team members are the following: Yuriy RASHKEVYCH, member of the National Qualifications Agency; Professor of the Lviv Polytechnic National University; Deputy […]

Eastern Partnership Youth Engagement Summit (2-3.07.2020)

On 2-3 July 2020, the first ever virtual Eastern Partnership Youth Engagement Summit brings together over 400 active youth leaders and youth workers from the Eastern Partnership region for a unique opportunity to exchange amongst themselves and with policy makers from the EU and the Eastern partner countries on achievements and challenges in the field […]

Eastern Partnership Youth Summit (02-03.07.2020, on-line)

The NEO – Ukraine team joined the Youth Summit which brought together active youth leaders and youth workers from the Eastern Partnership region for a unique opportunity to share experiences, discuss challenges and ways to address them, and to make proposals for updating the Youth Policy strategy between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries. […]

Yuriy Rashkevych, HERE team expert, on the new edition of the National Qualifications Framework (30.06.20)

A few days ago, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a new version of the National Qualifications Framework. This was done in pursuance of amendments to the Law on Higher Education on equation of number of Ukrainian QF levels to correspond European one. The news raised many questions about the importance of the National Qualifications Framework, its […]

Participation within the EU Study Days (25.06.20)

On June 22, 2020, National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine took part in the last of the 12th online modules of the Euroschool – Eu Study Days, which was remotely joined by more than 50 active students and graduates from different parts of Ukraine. The final module was devoted to the topic of Higher Education in Ukraine and […]

EUA survey on digitally enhanced learning

The EUA survey on digitally enhanced learning aims to explore how to enhance exchange and collaboration on digitally enhanced education among European higher education institutions and above – and is should be pertinent in the current situation, but also for the discussions that we are to have with policy makers beyond the current crisis. Although […]