Skype-meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE Ag-Lab project team (09.04.20, on-line)

On 9 April, 2020 Erasmus+ CBHE Ag-Lab project team “Improving skills in laboratory practice for agro-food specialists in eastern Europe” organized a skype-meeting. Around 11 project managers from all Ukrainian partner organisations joined the on-line meeting as well as representatives from Slovenia, France, Italy, Poland, Moldova, and Georgia. NEO-Ukraine coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the Skype session […]

Webinar “Implementation of Jean Monnet projects in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” (08.04.2020, on-line)

On 8 April 2020, the Ukrainian Association of European Studies jointly with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine organised a webinar “Implementation of Jean Monnet projects in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.” The aim of the event was to discuss the experience of management and financial management of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects. During the […]

Zoom-webinar “Implementation of the Jean Monnet Projects in terms of the COVID-19 Pandemic” (08.04.2020)

On 8 April 2020 the Ukrainian European Studies Association jointly with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine organised the webinar “Implementation of the Jean Monnet Projects in terms of the COVID-19 Pandemic”. The experience of managing and financial management of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects were discussed. More than 15 representatives of Jean Monnet project coordinators […]

Cluster Facebook webinar “Erasmus+ ICM: Quarantine Guidelines” (for project implementors)” (07.04.2020)

On 7 April 2020, the NEO-Ukraine team organised Cluster Facebook-webinar “Erasmus+ ICM: Quarantine Guidelines” to provide advice and guidance to Erasmus+ Credit Mobility teams and mobility participants, in particular, on how to deal with potential problem situations during the COVID pandemic in line with the European and Ukrainian realities, based on the recommendations of the […]

Cluster Facebook-webinar “Erasmus+ during the pandemic COVID-19: challenges and solutions” (31.03.20)

On March 31, 2020 National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine organised Cluster Facebook-webinar on “Erasmus+ during the pandemic COVID-19: challenges and solutions”. More than 3000 representatives of Ukrainian universities IROs, Erasmus + coordinators and representatives of ICM, CBHE and Jean Monnet project teams joined the online. During a Facebook-webinar, Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, NEO – Ukraine Coordinator, spoke about the […]

Coronavirus: European Commission announces special measures for Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has implications for student and staff mobility and projects funded by EU programmes such as Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020. Several application deadlines for Erasmus+ have been extended. Furthermore, the Commission announced to apply maximum flexibility in the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme within the limits of the legal framework. The Commission issued […]

Updated: Covid-19 coronavirus prevention measures (to att.: Erasmus+ projects teams and mobility staff and students)

Dear Erasmus+ project teams! The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the restrictive measures to combat the Covid-19 coronavirus threat to prevent the disease from spreading. The Cabinet of Ministers proposed introducing restrictions on holding mass events, which doesn’t apply to events of the state importance. The measures also include quarantine for all educational institutions since […]

Corona virus outbreak – deadlines for Erasmus+ applications extended

As a result of difficulties experienced by applicants due to the coronavirus outbreak, the deadlines for SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS TO SOME ERASMUS+ ACTIONS HAVE BEEN EXTENDED to the following dates: 21 April 2020 (17h00 Brussels time) for all Erasmus+ Sport Actions (Collaborative partnerships, Small collaborative partnerships, Not-for-profit European sport events). Applications to be sent to […]