Official opening of EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects (7.04.2022, online)

On 7 April 2022, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Kick-off Meeting 2022 was held for the coordinators of the winning projects of the 2021 Call for Proposals of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program, Jean Monnet Actions. The event was organized by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). More than 220 participants from around the world together with Jean Monnet project teams from Ukrainian universities joined the meeting.

Participants had the opportunity to meet the team of Jean Monnet EACEA: Sophie Hanssen, Edith Genser, Francisco Aguado Sanchez, Stefan Zotti, Barbara Gonzalez Lobo, Antonio Fontelles de Lima, Jean-François Lahou, Natalia Riesgo Figuerola-Ferretti. The speakers focused on such topical issues as: project management, work with the grant agreement and amendments to the grant agreement, reporting, commitment to publicity and compliance with EU Erasmus+ rules, dissemination and visibility of project results, communication and cooperation within community of Jean Monnet.
Gergana Noutcheva, Jean Monnet project coordinator from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, also shared her experience of implementing the project. The Jeanmonnists got acquainted with the project officers from EACEA and received comprehensive answers to their questions.


  • “Dissemination, Communication, Jean Monnet Community Platform”, Genser Edith – donwload.
  • “Grant Management – a. Continuous Reporting”, Barbara Gonzalez Lobo – donwload.
  • “Grant Management – b. Amendments”, Antonio Fontelles de Lima – donwload.
  • “Grant Management – c. Reporting”, Jean-François Lahou – donwload.
  • “Grant Management – d. Publicity obligations and penalties”, Natalia Riesgo – donwload.

The release is based on the materials of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

We thank to the organizers for an extremely useful event! We thank the European Education and Culture Executive Agency for their continued support of Ukraine!

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