#CBHE/Розвиток потенціалу

Training sessions and seminar within Erasmus+ DocHub Structural project (23-24.01.18, Kyiv)

On 23-24 January 2018 seminar and training on study programmes development and preparation of their descriptions were held in Institute of higher education, NAESU. 40 participants attended the meeting. The events took place within the framework of EU Erasmus+ Programme DocHub project “Structuring Cooperation in Doctoral Research, Transferrable Skills Training, and Academic Writing instruction in […]

On-line infosession Erasmus+ CBHE: How to successfully complete and finalise your project proposal (22.01.18)

Are you preparing a project proposal for Capacity Building in Higher Education under the Erasmus+ 2018 Call for proposals? Do you still have questions or doubts or just want to make sure “you’re getting it right”? Then this might be for you! On January 22, 2018 European Commission and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) […]

EACEA session livestreaming on CBHE projects’ governance and financial management (Brussels, 25.01.17)

Webstreaming of EACEA (Brussels) session on Project and Contractual Management is important for all CBHE projects teams of 2nd call winners. Project teams are invited to use the opportunity to use recorded workshops dedicated to “Project and Contractual Management”. You will learn more details on finance management and will be able to ask questions. The […]

Presentations for International Erasmus+ Information Day (Kyiv 15.11.2016)

November 15, 2016 in the famework of the National Week of Erasmus+ Programme in Ukraine, National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine (EU-funded project) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in close cooperation with the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Brussels, Belgium), under organizational support of the National […]

7 Projects with Ukrainian Partners selected for funding within the 2nd Call for Proposals of the European Union Erasmus+ Programme will contribute to higher education development in Ukraine

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency has announced the 2016 Call selection results of the Erasmus+: KA2 – Capacity Building in Higher Education projects. Among 147 projects recommended for funding under Erasmus+ capacity-building projects in the field of higher education 2016 Call, 7 projects are to be implemented with participation of Ukrainian universities, NGOs, companies, […]

The first meeting of participants of the project ERASMUS+ “Quality Assuarance System in Ukraine”

In the framework of the international grant project “Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base ENQA Standards and Guidelines” within the EU Erasmus+ programme Capacity-building in the Field of Higher Education, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv hosted the first meeting of partners – participants on 4-6th of April 2016 in the […]

Project Management Sessions – on-line (27 January 2016)

Dear Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education teams and potential partners, EACEA invites you to watch the Project Management Session on-line to be performed during the meeting of the Project Coordinators in Brussels. Two (identical) sessions of “Project Management” workshop will be organised on Wednesday 27 January 2016:– the first one from 11.00 […]

Materials on the seminar-presentation “Higher Education Capacity Building in Structural Measures Tempus Projects: current outcomes”(20.11.15)

November 20, 2015 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine and the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA, Brussels) held a seminar-presentation “Higher Education Capacity Building in Structural Measures Tempus Projects: current outcomes” for participants of the EU Program Tempus IV (2010-2016) at the Ministry of Education […]

10 Projects with Ukrainian Partners Selected for Funding within the 1st Call for Proposals of the European Union Erasmus+ Programme will contribute to the Capacity-building in the Field of Higher Education

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency has announced the 2015 Call selection results of the Erasmus+: KA2. Capacity-building Projects in the Field of Higher Education. Among 140 projects recommended for funding under Erasmus+ Capacity-building Projects in the Field of Higher Education 2015 Call, 10 projects are to be implemented with participation of Ukrainian universities, NGOs, […]