On 20-21 January 2021, Erasmus + CRENG project hosted the International Scientific Conference “Crisis and Risk Engineering for Transport Services” organised by Azov State Technical University. The conference summed up 2 years of fruitful cooperation in developments within higher education in the transport sector. The conference focused on European good practices and methodologies for teaching […]
On 12 January 2021, NEO – Ukraine team took part in a meeting with representatives of Erasmus+ MultiEd CBHE project and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Around 20 people participated within the meeting representing the consortium of the project from the University of Tartu, Zaporizhzhia National University, Mykolayiv National University, Cherkasy […]
On 29 December 2020, within the framework of Erasmus+ CBHE WORK4CE project “Cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work in the 21st century”, the online meeting and consultation with project team was organised. The main aim of the meeting is to jointly discuss project objectives, work packages, roles, duties, and national issues and features of […]
On 28 December 2020, within the framework of Erasmus+ CBHE UTTERLY project “Modernisation of governance, management and functioning of HEIs”, the online meeting and consultation with project team was organised. The main aim of the meeting is to discuss project implementation in part of Partner Agreement preparation. NEO – Ukraine coordinator Svitlana Shytikova provided consultation […]
On 18 December 2020, the International Conference “European values of diversity and inclusion in education” was held within the Jean Monnet project. More than 350 participants from 8 different HEIs registered via the online event. The International Conference was held as part of the implementation of the project Jean Monnet Project «European values of diversity […]
On December 11, 2020, the International Seminar “European Integration: Prospects and Challenges for Ukraine” was held within the Jean Monnet project. The seminar was held as part of the implementation of the project Jean Monnet Chair “Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies” (SCAES) – 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR. More than 200 participants joined the event. NEO-Ukraine representative Petro KRAINIK […]
On December 10, 2020, NEO-Ukraine representatives took part in the coordination meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE project “Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments” (MoPED). NEO-Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the discussions on control and monitoring of the quality of the project, creation of the MoPED ecosystem, presentation of the game for ICR […]
On December 8, 2020, NEO-Ukraine representative took part in a meeting within the CBHE project “Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism” (DESTIN). During the meeting the project deliverables, quality plan and risk assessment, design of an educational program, development of Internet courses, measures to disseminate project results, as well as […]
On November 24, 2020, NEO-Ukraine representative took part in the project board meeting of the project “Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism” (DESTIN). Stages of project implementation, updating of the conceptual model of media literacy education courses, their content, structure, technical specifications, experience of Ukrainian partners in preparing and supporting […]
On 9 November 2020, NEO-Ukraine representative took part in a meeting with the Erasmus+ CBHE ” New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” (PAGOSTE) project team. The NEO-Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the meeting with the project team and provided advice on project implementation, process of purchasing equipment, use […]