EUA вебінар “Universities and democracy: Fostering scientific literacy – universities and the future of science communication” (14.06.2022, online)
Запрошуємо всіх бажаючих приєднатись до онлайн вебінару від European University Association на тему “Universities and democracy: Fostering scientific literacy – universities and the future of science communication”.
Коли? онлайн 14 червня 2022 р., початок о 15.00 CEST
Спікери заходу:
- David Budtz Pedersen, Professor at the Department of Communications and Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Maria Tulin, Postdoctoral Researcher, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Fabrice Rousselot, Editor in Chief, The Conversation France, France
- Marjan Doom, Director, Ghent University Museum, Belgium
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