NEO-ICP coordination meeting (10-12.10.18, Brussels, Belgium)

On October 10-12, 2018 The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organised NEO-ICP coordination meeting for National Erasmus+ Offices and National Erasmus+ Agencies all over the world. The event gathered together more than 250 representatives from more than 60 countries.  Two-days event was organised to provided presentations, workshops and good practices on […]

Erasmus+ Info Day at Karazin Business School (12.10.2018, skype Kyiv-Kharkiv)

On 12 October 2018 the Skype-presentation about EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities was held within Erasmus+ Info Day at Karazin Business School. About 50 participants – students and staff of the University joint the event. NEO-Ukraine manager Petro KRAINIK provided skype presentation on Erasmus+ funding opportunities, its architecture, Key Actions, individual opportunities and institutional benefits. During […]

HERE Seminar “International HERE Study visit “Joint Degrees: Strategic and Operational Implementation: one size does not fit all” with the support of the European Union – SPHERE, EACEA” (2-3.10.18, Coimbra, Portugal)

Title: International HERE Study visit “Joint Degrees: Strategic and Operational Implementation: one size does not fit all” with the support of the European Union – SPHERE, EACEA.Date: October 2-3, 2018Location: University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalParticipants: HERE, representatives of higher education institutions. In general, about 30 people took part in the event Participants from Ukraine:1. Olena […]

Erasmus+ presentation within “Weekend of Opportunities” (7.10.2018, skype Kyiv-Odesa)

On 7 October 2018 organised the skype presentation “Opportunities for implementation of internationalization instrument in Higher Education within the Erasmus+” was organised. The skype presentation was provided in line with the seminar “Weekend opportunities” (Session on “Grant opportunities for relocated HEIs and RIs”). 25 representatives of displaced universities and think-tanks staff currently located in Luhansk, […]

Erasmus+ presentation for P. Tchaikovsky National Musical Academy of Ukraine (4.10.2018, Kyiv)

On 4 October 2018 P. Tchaikovsky National Musical Academy of Ukraine conducted a meeting for students and staff with the Rector of the Higher Conservatory of Vigo (Spain) Esteban VALVERDE CORRALES and NEO-Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA. The event aimed to present the EU Programme Erasmus+, its architecture, Key Actions, individual opportunities and institutional benefits within […]

Forum of EU Delegation Networks (3-4.10.2018, Kyiv)

On 3-4 October 2018 the EU Delegation to Ukraine organized first Forum of the EU Networks from all around Ukraine (Information Centres, Team Europe, Career Day etc.) The event aimed to provide meeting with all the representatives from different regions of Ukraine with the speakers and trainers from EU projects/donor organisations etc. More than 120 […]

CLUSTER SEMINAR FOR ERASMUS+ CBHE PROJECT TEAMS: Best Practice and Challenges for Projects Implementation and Grant Management (Content and Grant Funds) (20.09.18, Kyiv)

CLUSTER SEMINAR FOR ERASMUS+ CBHE PROJECT TEAMS: Best Practice and Challenges for Projects Implementation and Grant Management (Content and Grant Funds) 20 September 2018, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine SUMMARY On September 20, 2018, the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) and the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, in cooperation with the […]

Information session on participation within Erasmus+ (26.09.2018, Khmelnytsky)

On 26 September 2018 in Khmelnytsky the NEO-Ukraine team together with Khmelnytsky City Council provided the information session for students, youth NGOs, HEIs representatives, local self-governance authorities on opportunities within EU Erasmus+ Programme. About 40 participants (HEIs and youth organisarions’ representatives, students, graduates and youth) took part in the event. During the presentation, the NEO-Ukraine […]

Presentation of the Erasmus+ Programme within the framework of the “CLEVER” Educational Leadership Festival (22.09.2018, Kyiv)

On 22 September 2018 the Clever Educational Leadership Festival was held in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The event was aimed at highlighting leadership issues in education, organising a creative team and building new communication with students. During the event, Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for more than 150 participants (HEIs staff and administration, school teachers, researchers) were […]


Seminar “Formation of The Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education: Criteria and Procedures for Selecting Members of QAA and Forming QA Experts’ Pool” is being implemented within the framework of the EU ERASMUS+ Program with the participation of the European expert of the EU Technical Assistance Mission – Steffen WESTERGARD ANDERSEN, Director of Operations, Universities […]