Cluster Panel Session”Higher Education Capacity Building in Structural Tempus & Erasmus+ Projects: Current Outcomes” (Clusters – QA & QF and Study Programmes) (7.11.17, Kyiv)

Purpose: National scale implementation of the Structural projects’ outcomes through their using by the Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions, Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine, the Parliament’ Committee on Science and Education, other stakeholders in the framework of Higher Education reforms. Objectives: To provide synergy and supplementary effect of impact of the Structural Projects’ outcomes […]

Jean Monnet project activities: Enhanced Visibility on European Integration Teaching and Research

As part of the Jean Monnet Project 575385-EPP-1-2016-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA: “Enhanced Visibility on European Integration Teaching and Research” the Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration in the cooperation with the Ukrainian Catholic University will held the expert discussion: “Studying European Integration outside of the EU: Ukrainian and International Experience”. Moderator:Roman Kalytchak, a board member […]


The work programme, published on 17/08/2017, outlines the structure and funding of the programme for 2018 and highlights the link between the policies as well as changes from 2017.  More information is available in the text of the annual work programme, which is also available in French and German.

2nd International conference Innovative Approaches to Internationalisation and Erasmus+ staff (November 6-10, 2017, Rīga, Latvia)

Rīga Stradiņš University is pleased to announce the 2nd International conference Innovative Approaches to Internationalisation and Erasmus+ staff week that will be held in Rīga, Latvia, from November 6-10, 2017. The conference will address the issue of internationalisation of higher education. Conference speakers include a diverse group of internationalisation experts, including: – Innovation in Higher […]

12 new projects will promote European Studies in Ukraine under EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme: Jean Monnet Actions from 2017

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) announced the selection results of the Call 2017 for the Jean Monnet Activities under European Union ERASMUS+ Programme for Jean Monnet Actions in European Studies. 138 projects have been selected from Programme Countries and 90 from Partner Countries, among which 10 Ukrainian universities and an NGO from Ukraine […]

Joint Pre-departure Orientation Meeting for Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus (7-8.07.2017, Kyiv)

n July 7-8, Pre-Departure Orientation meeting traditionally took place in Kyiv, Ukraine in the premises of the EU Delegation to Ukraine. 30 newly brand newly selected master students from Ukraine/ Moldova/ Belarus and 5 alumni actively participated in its orientation program. The agenda of the event included 2 intense days full of presentations, experience sharing […]

How to Apply and Manage International Credit Mobility Projects – Ukrainian and Polish experience (27.06.2017 Kyiv)

On June 27, 2017 the training workshop on preparation and implementation of the International Credit Mobility Projects within the framework of the EU-funded Programme ERASMUS + KA1: International Credit Mobility was held in the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.The organizers of the training were: National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, National […]

International scientific conference “Transformations in the Ukrainian education and research: global context”

On May 25-26, 2017, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and with the support of the Center for Research and Teaching of Foreign Languages of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the British Council in Ukraine, Ukrainian Association of Researchers of Education and the Office […]

І International Scientific Сonference «Ukraine – EU: cross-cultural comparisons in educational research» (22-23.05.2017, Uman)

On May 22-23, 2017, Department of International Relations and Scientific Cooperation of Institute of Pedagogy NAES of Ukraine in close ccoperation with Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Ukrainian Educational Research Association organizes Ist International Scientific Сonference on educational research in European Union and Ukraine. What? І International Scientific Сonference «Ukraine – EU: cross-cultural […]

37 Ukrainian students to study at Masters and doctoral level in the EU Universities with the support of EU’s Erasmus+ Programme

The Call for Erasmus+ Learning Degree Mobility has been completed and award decision on granting scholarships and fellowships for Joint Master Courses and Joint Doctorates has been taken. 1345 Erasmus Mundus students from all over the world are selected for funding with the support of Erasmus+ Programme. 36 out of them will come from Ukraine […]