#проєкт Еразмус+/Erasmus+ project

Participation in meeting within CBHE MultiEd project (23.07.2020, online)

On 23 July 2020, within the framework of Erasmus+ CBHE MultiEd project “Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration”, the online consultation with financial managers an project team was organised. NEO – Ukraine coordinator presented peculiarities of purchasing equipment for partner universities and provided practical recommendations […]

Participation in the meeting with the UKROTHE project team and financial managers on how to use the grant (20.07.20, online)

On 20 July 2020, within the framework of Erasmus+ CBHE UKROTHE project “Developing an Occupatioal Therapy study programme in Ukraine”, the online consultation with financial managers was organised. NEO – Ukraine coordinator presented peculiarities of purchasing equipment for partner universities and provided practical recommendations on possible ways to implement the project during quarantine. Also, speaker […]

Participation within the discussion of equipment purchase for Erasmus+ CBHE WARN project (20.07.2020, online)

On 20 July 2020, within the framework of Erasmus+ CBHE WARN project “Academic Response to Hybrid Threats”, the online consultation on equipment purchase was organised. Project managers as well as NEO – Ukraine representative and financial managers joined the online meeting. NEO coordinator presented peculiarities of purchasing equipment for partner universities and provided practical recommendations […]

Participation in ZOOM – webinar on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) within the CBHE QUARSU project (15.07.2020, online)

On 15 July 2020, within the framework of CBHE QUARSU project “Qualifications recognition support for Ukrainian universities”, ZOOM-webinar on Recognition of Prior Learning – RPL took place. The webinar program included the presentation of general information about the RPL in the project partner countries – Estonia, Ireland, Poland and Portugal. The event was attended by […]

IV International Scientific Conference of the Ukrainian Association of Educational Researchers “Implementation of European standards in Ukrainian educational research (26.06.20, online)

On 26 June 2020 the IV International Scientific Conference of the Ukrainian Association of Educational Researchers “Implementation of European standards in Ukrainian educational research” together with the participation of the NEO – Ukraine representative took place. The conference was organized within the framework of the UADO project “European Quality of Educational Research for Empowering Educators […]

Participation in the conference “European business models: transformation, harmonization and strategic implementation in Ukraine” (04.06.20, online)

The final conference “European Business Models: Transformation, Harmonization and Strategic Implementation in Ukraine” on 4 June 2020 with the participation of the NEO – Ukraine representative took place. The meeting was organised in the framework of Jean Monnet Module “European business models: transformation, harmonization and implementation in Ukraine”. Around 45 teachers, researchers, graduate students, students […]

Ukrainian national digital coalition “Coalition of digital transformation” within the Erasmus+ KA2: CBHE dComFra project

The coalition made by the initiative of the ERASMUS+ project-working group: КА2:CBHE dComFra – “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. Public Union “HIGH-TECH office Ukraine” and all-Ukrainian public organization “Ukrainian Association of information technology specialists” were elected as partners-coordinators of the coalition. The Memorandum signing ceremony regarding to creation of the […]

Spring School “Towards Food Safety: Approaches to Implement European Food Safety Control” as part of the Jean Monnet Project (28-29.04.2020)

On April 28-29, 2020 the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine organized Spring School under the Erasmus+ jean Monnet project «EU Food Safety Control» (№587548-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). Around 170 participants joined the events as well as: representatives of the International Office of Epizootics (Paris, France), the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and […]

Participation in kick-off meeting within the Erasmus+ CBHE UniClaD project (24.04.2020, on-line)

On April 24, 2020 a kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ UniClaD “Enhancing capacity of universities to initiate and to participate in clusters development on innovation and sustainability principles” project team was organized. The meeting was attended by 50 experts from 24 partner counties: Austria, Azerbaijan, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Hungary and Ukraine. Project Coordinator form […]