Проект ЄС Темпус IV RETHINK (21.09.17, м. Київ)
21 вересня 2017 р., відбулась конференція в рамках реалізації проекту Проекту ЄС Темпус IV RETHINK “Reform of Education THru INternational Knowledge exchange”.
Цільова аудиторія: викладачі, представники вищих навчальних закладів України, студенти.
Місце проведення: м. Київ, Міністерство освіти і науки України, просп. Перемоги. 10.
Програма заходу:
10.30 – Registration of the participants
11.00 – Ministry of Education (name is to be confirmed): Modernization of Ukrainian legislation regarding Double/Joint degrees and /or Bologna process (откорректируйте согласно вашего мнения)
11.15 – National Erasmus+ office (name to be confirmed): TEMPUS and Erasmus+ projects’ experience on Double and Joint degrees in Ukrainian universities (откорректируйте согласно вашего мнения)
11.30 – RETHINK project Coordinator, Prof. Oksana Turchanina: Main project’s results and achievements for Ukraine
11.45 – Prof. Marcos Lado University of Coruña, Spain), Prof. Nelson Oliveira (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal): New opportunities for obtaining Double Degrees with UE universities for Ukraine in the areas of:
– Environmental sciences/Climate Engineering
– Civil Engineering
– Architecture/Urban Planning
12.15 – Prof. Luisa Gonsalves (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal): Workshop on applying E-learning approach for studying Double degrees’ program at the EU universities developed in the frame of the RETHINK project.
12.45 – Coffee-break
13.30 – Sharing experience of Double degree in the frame of the RETHINK project:
– Donetsk National Technical University: Prof.Zbykovsky, returned from Spain RETHINK Double degree student – Yelizaveta Dreval
– Donbass Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture: Prof.Kolesnichenko, returned from Portugal RETHINK Double degree student – Artem Paraschenko
– O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy: Prof. Natalia Bibik
14.00 – Interactive dialogue (role game) between EU professors and students: a real-life simulation of the process for applying and getting Double degree – from start to end.
14.30 – Networking between Ministry of Education, National Erasmus+ office, Universities, EU universities, NGOs, and business employers to guarantee sustainability of Double degrees in the future.