All-Ukrainian Conference “Monitoring and evaluation practice in Ukraine” (31.03.2018, Kyiv)

On March 31, 2018 in cooperation with monitoring experts the Ukrainian Evaluation Association organized the All-Ukrainian Conference “Practice of Monitoring and Evaluation in Ukraine”. The goal of the event was to unite the monitoring and evaluation specialists and other interested in the assessment of the projects. NEO-Ukraine representative raised the awareness of the opportunities and capacity […]

Information Day of the Erasmus+ Programme (29.03.2018, Poltava)

Within the International Academic Opportunities Week, on March 29, 2018 Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University together with the NEO-Ukraine organised ERASMUS+ INFODAY for more than 50 university staff and public authorities. The participants got an opportunity to learn about the EU Erasmus + Programme goal, objectives and structure with its main components in higher […]

Presentation of the Erasmus+ Programme within the framework “Kherson Euro Perspective” (24-25.03.2018, Kherson)

On March 24-25, 2018 in Kherson, the project planning session “Kherson Euro Perspective” took place. Participants had the opportunity to acquaint with opportunities of EU programmes including Erasmus+. The main idea of the event is to provide two day meeting with all interested local stakeholders, built their capacity on benefits within grant programmes to help […]

The First Ukrainian International Education Forum (22-23.03.2018, Kyiv)

On March 22-23, 2018 in the main building of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the leading experts in the sphere of internationalization participated the First Ukrainian International Education Forum. The Forum was opened with the welcoming speech of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya HRYNEVYCH with the presentation on «The […]

TAIEX Workshop on Boosting Education Funding Reform (16.03.18, Kyiv)

16 March 2018  TAIEX Workshop on Boosting Education Funding Reform will take place in Kyiv. Event is organised by the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Education Reforms Office in Ukraine. The aim is to provide officials from the Ministry […]

Presentation of Erasmus opportunities for students of Internship Program in the Parliament of Ukraine (22.02.2018, Kyiv)

On 22 February 2018, National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine took part in the session of Internship Program in the Parliament of Ukraine. The event was organized by NGO «Interns’ League» which works since 2009 as association of Internship Program graduates in the Parliament of Ukraine and central executive bodies. The aim of the organization is […]

Meeting of the Coordinating Group of Vice-Rectors on Educational and Methodological Work and International Relations (22.02.2018, Kyiv)

On February 22, 2018 in the building of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economic a meeting of the newly established coordination group of leading HEIs vice-rectors was provided. The main aim of the meeting was to present donors support via existed projects and programmes to expand international horizons and built new links with EU […]

Information skype-session on participation within the EU program Erasmus+: Jean Monnet (12February 2018, Kyiv–Lviv)

On February 12, 2018, an information Skype-session was held at the National Erasmus + office in Ukraine on the development and submission of application packages within Jean Monnet Activities. The event was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU Project) in cooperation with the State Institution “Institute of Regional Research named after M. […]