12 new projects for Ukrainian Youth under Erasmus+ Programme

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission announced the selection results of the 2019 Call for Proposals under Erasmus+ Programme for Capacity Building in the field of Youth. 56 projects were selected for funding including 12 projects with involvement of Ukrainian partners. Higher education institution – Ukrainian Catholic University and 10 Ukrainian NGOs […]

8 new projects will build capacities for 51 organizations in Ukraine under EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) announced the selection results of the 2019 Call for Proposals under European Union ERASMUS+ Programme for Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Action for cooperation projects. 163 projects have been selected for funding, including 8 projects for 51 universities and other organizations from Ukraine that start their […]

25 new projects will promote European Studies in Ukraine under EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme: Jean Monnet Actions from 2019

Among 285 project-winners from all over the world of the Call 2019 Erasmus+ Jean Monnet actions Ukraine has won 25 projects: 15 Modules on economic development, governance, regional policy, criminal policy, European values, EHEA, social and economic issues of refugees and migrants, protection of information, prevention of corruption; 3 Chairs; 1 Centre of Excellence; 1 […]

International Information Week of EU Programme Erasmus+ (4-8.11.19): CHOOSE DAYS AND ADD TO YOUR SCHEDULE!

National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine together with Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine with the support of EU Delegation to Ukraine and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) invite you to join the INTERNATIONAL ERASMUS+ WEEK IN UKRAINE on 4-8 November 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In line with the SPECIAL FUNDING WINDOW for […]

Pre-departure Orientation Meeting for Ukrainian EMJMD winners (05.07.19, Kyiv)

On July 5, Pre-Departure Orientation meeting traditionally took place in Kyiv, Ukraine in the premises of the EU Delegation to Ukraine. 40 newly selected master students from Ukraine and Erasmus+ Alumni actively participated in its orientation program. The agenda of the event included 2 intense days full of presentations, experience sharing sessions, meetings with Embassies […]

Erasmus+ Programme presentation within EU Study Days (5.07.19, Odesa)

On July 5, 2019 in Odesa within the EU Delegation to Ukraine project “EU Study Days” the NEO-Ukraine team provided the information session for students on individual opportunities within higher education and youth. During the presentation, the NEO-Ukraine representatives focused at clear guidelines, step-by-step instructions on how to apply for the calls for proposals, as […]

ICM Contact Semonar (2-3.07.19, Kiel, Germany)

On 2-3 July 2019, the NEO representative participated in the Erasmus+ ICM Working Group Meeting (Kiel, Germany). Among the participants, there were representatives of the German Universities, EU Commission, National Erasmus+ Agency in Germany, National Offices in Georgia, Kosovo and Marocco. The NEO Ukraine presentation was offered to more than 50 event participants regarding the […]

International Eastern Partnership conference “Promoting common values through education and culture” (25-26.06.19, Tbilisi, Georgia)

On 25-26 June 2019, the International Eastern Partnership Conference «Promoting common values through education and culture» took place. The event was organized with the support of the European Commission in Holiday Inn, Tbilisi, Georgia. Among the about 260 participants from more than 20 countries, including all the countries of the Eastern Partnership, the conference was […]

Eastern Partnership Conference on Common Values through Education and Culture (25-26.06.2019, Tbilisi, Georgia).

Event title: Eastern Partnership Conference – Promoting Common Values through Education and CultureDate: 25 – 26th of June 2019Venue: Holiday Inn Tbilisi, Georgia Programme and materials: https://ec.europa.eu/education/events/promoting-common-values-through-education-and-culture-eastern-partnership-conference_en Event participantsDecision-makers, administrators, practitioners and academics from the six EaP countries, EU Member States and the EU administration. The conference’s opening session features the EU’s Commissioner for Education, Culture, […]